Swimming Program

Swimming Program 

Our annual swimming program is currently underway at Swimworld Glen Waverley.  Swimming will take place every Thursday for the first 8 weeks of term 4 (Thursday 5th October - Thursday 23rd November)


On swim days all students must wear their bathers under their sports uniform. They must also have a bag/backpack containing their towel, thongs, goggles, underwear and a plastic bag to hold their wet items. Please also ensure that all items are clearly labeled. 


Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered to assist on their nominated days. Please refer to the below schedule for your allocated session times:

If you are unable to make it on your allocated date and time please contact the office so an alternate parent helper may be contacted.


Please note that SwimWorld have advised that  NO SPECTATORS are permitted to the swim centre. Only parents/carers who have been authorised by the school and who hold a current Working With Children Check (WWCC) can be permitted to attend. Swimworld have also requested that Parent Helpers only stay for the duration of their allocated time slot so that the area does not become congested. Please also note that no toddlers or younger siblings are to be brought to the pool for safety reasons.