
Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL) Branding

In Term 1, we asked all staff, parents and students to complete a survey and help us establish 3-5 whole school behaviour expectations so that we could proceed with implementing Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL)


From the surveys you completed, we established the following as our main expectations:

  • Respect
  • Responsibility
  • Resilience

We have been working hard with students to learn what it means to show Respect, Responsibility and Resilience in the following areas:

  • Classroom/Learning Spaces
  • Playground/Outdoor Spaces
  • Transition Spaces
  • Community Spaces
  • Toilets.

Now we need YOUR help (families and students) to ‘brand’ our campaign!


Some schools have used an image for their logo, some have had a play on words (for example the 3 r’s?) and some schools have used colours or pictures of significance to the school. You could even create a mascot linked to something significant in our school environment (eg birds). Since we have such a creative community, we thought it would be great to run a competition for all members of our community to submit a logo which we could use to advertise PBL in our school.


If all entries can be sent to the school office or emailed to Carly Corcoran by Friday 27th October that would be great. Keep an eye out in future newsletters to see who has won our branding competition. Good Luck!

Onsite Counselling 

Our Provisional Psychologist, Atousa (Tess) Amiri, from ISN Psychologywill continue to work with us on Mondays and Tuesdays during term 4.  Here's a little bit about her:

Hi, my name is Atousa Amiri (but I often get called Tess) and I am going to be the provisional psychologist at Holy Saviour for the remaining school year on a Monday and Tuesday. I am currently completing my Master of Clinical Psychology at ISN, after completing my Honours in Psychology at RMIT. I am passionate about working with children and families and I have 12 years’ experience of counseling with a variety of range of groups in three countries. I am very excited to be at school and meet you all!

If any parents are seeking counselling support for their children, please make contact with me and I can organise to send consent forms home with your child (or via email).


Carly Corcoran

Learning Diversity/Student Wellbeing Leader
