Principal's Message

Dear Families,


What a wonderful taste of Spring we’ve had these last couple of days. The sunshine and warmth certainly bring about a great deal of energy in the students and staff!


Save the Date - Holy Saviour Day!

On Sunday 12th November, our entire Holy Saviour Community will be gathering to celebrate our Holy Saviour Day. The day will begin with mass at 10am and will be followed by some exciting activities. Please put this date in your diary, more details will follow shortly. 


End of Year Dates

I would like to draw your attention to some key dates related to the End of Year school celebrations. 


Parents and carers are invited to join us at many of these events:

  • Prep (JLC) Christmas Assembly - Wednesday 6th December, 2.30pm
  • Holy Saviour Family Christmas Picnic - Thursday 7th December, 6:00pm
  • Year 6 Graduation Mass & Ceremony - Tuesday 12th December, 6:00pm
  • Last day of school for students - Friday 15th December at 1:00pm

World Teachers’ Day ~ Friday 27th October

Next Friday 27th October, we acknowledge and celebrate the amazing teachers in our school. Every day, teachers at Holy Saviour, and across the country, are making a positive difference - creating opportunities for their students, empowering the minds of young people and proudly teaching our state's future leaders, innovators and influencers. I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all the teachers and support staff at Holy Saviour for the passion and dedication you bring to work each and every day. I am proud to say that I work with you, and the children and families are blessed to have you as part of their lives. Thank you.


School Advisory Council Vacancies

The School Advisory Council (SAC) provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where the parent/guardian voice and perspective are available to inform and support the decisions made by the Principal and Parish Priest for the good of School and Parish where the wellbeing and outcomes for students is paramount. The role is to give consideration to, and advice on, important School matters in order to support the Principal in the context of the MACS governance arrangements.


We are seeking new SAC Members for the 2024-2026 period, from a mixture of year levels and professional backgrounds. More information regarding the SAC can be found in its Terms of Reference. If you have an interest in being on the SAC, any of the existing members would be happy to be contacted and discuss the commitment involved. If you would like to be involved in the SAC, please complete your details in the attached form and we will be in touch shortly.

Google & Facebook Reviews

As we all know, word of mouth is the most important tool for sharing the successes of our school in our local community.  We invite our community to leave a review of Holy Saviour on our Facebook page and on Google. Thank you to the generous families who have already left a review in this space.🙏 

Google Review: 

Facebook Review: 

Enrolments open for 2024 

Enrolments for 2024 are currently open! If you have a younger child who turns 5 before 30 April 2024, please come and see Sherridan or Kerry in the office for an enrolment form. Also, if you know of anyone else in the community with a child the same age, pass on our contact details– we would love to give them a tour of our fabulous school! At Holy Saviour, every other day is Open Day!


Catholic Secondary School Enrolment Applications

Key Enrolment Dates for Year 5 Students in 2023 starting Year 7 in 2025

The key enrolment dates for students in Year 5 in 2023 who will be starting Year 7 in 2025 have been agreed after consultation with the Executive of the Principals Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCSS). Remaining key dates are:

20th October 2023 – Offers will be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants.

10th November 2023 – Final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school.


Key Enrolment Dates for Year 5 Students in 2024 starting Year 7 in 2026

The key enrolment dates for students in Year 5 in 2024 who will be starting Year 7 in 2026 have been agreed after consultation with the Executive of the Principals Association of Victorian Catholic Secondary Schools (PAVCSS).

The timeline of events and dates are as follows:

29th January 2024 – Applications will open for Year 5 students commencing Year 7 in 2025.

16th August 2024 – Applications will close.

18th October 2024 – Offers will be posted to prospective Year 7 applicants.

8th November 2024 – Final date for parents/carers to accept an offer made by a school.


Parents of Year 5 students in 2024, please diarise these dates so you don’t miss out.

Final Thoughts... October is Mental Health Awareness Month

In the busyness of our lives, our community, our families, this is your reminder to be KIND to yourself! When we are busily caring for others, it is often our own mental and physical health that needs extra TLC. When you enrol your child, you enrol your family, and we are here to support you in the great times as well as those that are more challenging.


Kind regards,


Steve Evans
