Group 1

Term 3 has indeed made our little learners busy as a bee!
This term had been packed with so many fun and meaningful learning activities! Learning continues through Structured Teaching and the additional fun activities every week. We have to say the 2 favourites were Science Week and Book Week!
For the past few weeks, we have explored different activities to celebrate Indigenous Literacy Day and read Dreamtime stories and explore the aboriginal symbols through playdough activities.
They also had fun making fairy bread with peers for our Design and Technologies activity. They all did a fantastic job working with their group in gathering the ingredients and materials to make fairy bread. The best part of it was the eating!
Footy Day was a great way to end the term with another exciting activity they all have enjoyed!
Group 1 students, you have always been amazing!
We’re proud of you.
Dibbie, Charan & Mal