Whole School News

Icy Pole Days Return in Term 4 starting Friday 13th October

Icy pole treat days will return for term for starting tomorrow, Friday 13th October. 

Students are able to purchase an ice block for 50 cents at the start of lunch time. These days will then run fortnightly on a Friday.

  • Friday 13th October
  • Friday 27th October
  • Friday 10th November
  • Friday 24th November
  • Friday 8th December


OK2BEME Day Reflection 

Our annual OK2BEME Day was on Wednesday 4th October. The theme for this year’s OK2BEME Day, was body positivity. Everybody has the right to be proud of who they are. OK2BEME Day was also a free dress day, where we were invited to wear a colour/colours of the rainbow, that we feel represents ourselves, family and/or culture. We raised $236.70 in donations, that will be going to the Butterfly Foundation.


The Year 5/6 children had an incursion with Shannon from The Butterfly Foundation, with a presentation called ‘Let’s Talk Body Image’. This presentation explored body image and the many factors, both internal and external, that influence it. It helped to build our media literacy skills, by exploring how and why images are manipulated by different forms of media.  It challenged us to think about how our own social media use (now or in the future), can support body confidence in ourselves and others. This session also unpacked body comparisons and why appearance teasing/bullying is never OK.  


We then watched Taryn Brumfitt’s documentary, Embrace Kids. This was an uplifting film created by the 2023 Australian of the Year. It had lots of stories from young people and famous friends, who share their experiences about body image, bullying, gender identity, advocacy and representation. The film helped us to understand the ways that advertising, social media, celebrity culture, and the diet and fitness industries influence how we feel about our bodies.


The Year 4 students participated in a session focusing on friendship boundaries.  They explored the concept of healthy boundaries, what they look like and how to advocate for yourself if someone does not respect your boundaries. They also unpacked how having boundaries will help you define what you are comfortable with, and how you would like to be treated by others. The children were involved in role-play and read the book, ‘The Not So Friendly Friend’.


The Prep- Year 3 students had a puppet show called “Proud to Be Me!". This was a live, interactive show that celebrated everyone’s special qualities. It had fun characters, and interactive stories with music. “Proud To Be Me!” encouraged students to learn the importance of friendship, and to be aware of their own uniqueness. Some Prep children even commented to us about how they thought it was really fun and loved it. They said, “It’s ok to be different.”


It’s not always easy being different! We know that ‘different’ is seen as just ‘different,’ neither inherently good or bad! We want to feel proud to be part of a community that supports and celebrates all its members, not just some. All children at NLPS should feel they are welcome and safe, whomever they are, and that everyone’s uniqueness is valued and important.


At the end of the day, we all gathered in the Gym and had a Values assembly. We launched and sang our new Values song. A big thank you to Tracey J, Pricsilla, and Michelle for making a wonderful and inclusive song, which we can all be proud of!


Written by: Arts Captains

Jemima  & Bella

Virtual Production is here!

The 2023 NLPS Virtual Production has finally landed! 

Students and staff have been working tirelessly for many months on this year's virtual production and boy-OH-boy what a fabulous result it is. Thank you to everyone involved and a special shout out to the Year 5/6 students and Tracey James for all the collating, editing and behind the scenes organising. A mammoth effort that is truly appreciated by all. 

'Growing Up Online' - Parent Session .

NLPS invites parents to an educational and empowering session about the benefits of growing up online, and what parents and carers need to be aware of. 

The session will be covering topics such as:

  • reality & risk
  • online grooming
  • cyberbullying
  • sharing nudes
  • problematic gaming
  • exposure to damaging content
  • and top tip
  • question time

Susan McLean is Australia's foremost expert in the area of Cybersafety and young people. She was the first Victorian Police Officer appointed to a position involving Cybersafety & young people. Susan took her first report of cyberbullying in 1994 and since then has conducted extensive research and has completed advanced training and tertiary studies in both the USA and UK. She has authored resources for the Victorian Dept. of Education & Training, writes and reviews school policies, provides crisis management/advice to schools and to national and international companies. Susan is the most highly qualified & experienced presenter in Australia and is internationally renowned. 

  • When  -  Monday 30th October  -  7pm to 8pm
  • Where  -  NLPS Multi Purpose Room
  • Bookings essential via CompassTix  -  https://compasstix.com/e/ocgvm3hojn  
  • This is an adult only session - no child minding is available



Term 4 Lunchtime Clubs