Message from the Principal 

James Penson 


All our Year 5 & 6 students are engaged in one of our Actions Teams throughout the year. These are all focussed on priorities across our school. An example of these teams in action was our Girls Education Action Team today who organised our Crazy Hair or Hat Day. All funds raised today will be donated to Plan International Australia. 



Even though it is only the second week of Term 4, we are very much focussed on planning for next year and our Transition program is a big part of that. This program has many different elements all designed to provide a positive experience for students, families and our staff team as well. Just a few relevant examples of this include: 


Student Request Process: To help prepare our students for the next phase of their life we allow students in Prep through to Year 5 to select up to three other students in no preference order. We then use this information to inform and assist with the building of classes for the following year. This will happen over the next few weeks. 


Parent Request Process: Our parents are also able to make requests as outlined in previous newsletters, these close on Friday 20th October. 


Prep Information Night – an evening for our 2024 Prep parents to find out more about our school and get organised for the first few weeks of 2024 and beyond.


Year 6 High School Day: This is where we set up a high school day with classes in various locations around the school, teachers with specific high school style subjects to teach and our students even get the opportunity to wear their new high school uniforms. 


Mid-Term 4 Meet with the Principal Team – Wednesday 15th November from 7.30pm via Webex. Our focus for this session will include information about school structure, classes, class size and other organisation for 2024.


As you can see there are lots of ways for students and families to participate when it comes to making a smooth transition into 2024. Over the next few weeks, we will continue to outline these and keep you informed along the way.


Based on our recent 2023 Parent / Caregiver / Guardian Opinion Survey we know that 87% of 99 families that responded positively to the statement “I am able to get the information I need through the school’s regular communication channels”. These include our:

  • Two Minute Tuesdays released every week via Compass Newsfeed & the official Greenhills Primary School Facebook Page 
  • Weekly newsletters
  • Compass Newsfeeds
  • Compass Calander
  • Twice per term information sent out by each teaching team across the school (start and middle of each term).

As always, we continually strive to improve and if there is anything you need more information about or would like to see more of, please contact me:


As announced last week, we are excited to welcome TeamKids as our new OSHC provider operating Before, After and Vacation Care service from 2024 and beyond. Their service will begin during the Summer Holidays on the 8th of January 2024.


Have you signed up for TeamKids Outside of School Hours Care?

Registration is free and you need to ensure this is done before your child attends the service.

If you have not used TeamKids before then you will need to register your child and add your bookings. 

Please go to the website and select the program and follow the enrolment instructions.

If you have used TeamKids before, please contact their Customer Service Team and they will link your account. You will then just need to add your desired bookings. 

TeamKids’ local Customer Service team is always there to help. Please contact their Customer Service team via email or phone 1300 035 000, press #1 if you have any questions.


Don't forget to come to Greenhills on Saturday 14th October to our Polling Booth and buy a sausage whilst you are here.




James Penson
