School News

Mr Irwin's Message


Hello families and welcome to this week’s newsletter,


It was a very settled return to school by all students last week. Teachers spent time across the school revisiting expectations and routines before promptly diving into learning in Literacy and Numeracy. Visiting classrooms around the school and spending time with students across the week I was impressed with how the term has kicked off and look forward to this continuing. 

Considerations for 2024 


Later in the term we go through the process of creating class lists for the 2024 school year. This process is extensive and involves many hours of staff time. In a few weeks students will be involved in this process too, selecting five peers they’d like to be with the following year. We always guarantee students will have at least one peer from this list, which may sound low, however we’ve learnt over the years with different composite and class structures it is impossible to provide any more assurance than this.  


We also provide the opportunity for families to relay any considerations they have for next year too. As we have a process for considering student peer choices please be aware we don’t take peer requests from families. However, if you have other circumstances you believe are exceptional that we do need to consider, these can be emailed to the school by Friday October 20th. (apologies for the wrong date in the video) If you have already had some preliminary contact regarding 2024 considerations you do not need to raise these again as part of this process.   

Education Excellence Awards


Teesdale Primary School has been shortlisted as a finalist for the Victorian Education Excellence Awards!


The Outstanding Provision for High-Ability Students-Primary Award is a team award. Our team comprises of Lethbridge, Teesdale, Inverleigh and Napoleons Primary Schools where we have collaborated to support the needs of our students. 


The Outstanding Provision for High-Ability Award recognises exceptional teams within Victorian government schools that have demonstrated excellence in provision for high-ability students, supporting their learning and wellbeing and helping them thrive now and into the future. 


We are proud of our approach and achievements and look forward to attending the excellence awards on Friday 27th October. 

Congratulations Lachlan Flett


Over the holidays Lachlan Flett captained Victoria in the State Inline Hockey Championships in Queensland. He was recently featured in the Golden Plains Times about his experience. We’re proud of Lachie and his achievements and congratulate him on his success. 


Have a great week everybody, bye for now! 

Middle School Camp

Middle School students will be attending Lady Northcote Camp from Monday 27th to Wednesday 29th November.  


Families should all have received camp information via Sentral and a separate family statement outlining the costs and any credit on file if applicable. Please contact the office if you did not receive a statement. Families with credit on file or in receipt of CSEF are asked to contact the office to confirm use of these funds towards camp. 


Cost: $300 per student

Payment and Consent Due By: Monday 20th November

Payment: The preferred payment method is via BPay using your unique family reference printed on your statement. 

Permission to Attend: Please log into the Sentral app to grant electronic permission.


OSH News