John XXIII Rowing Club 

House Regatta

Last Saturday, our College Houses battled it out for the House Regatta Cup. The shores of the Canning River were buzzing with energy, as our dedicated rowers showcased their talent and determination. A heartfelt thank you to everyone who came down to support our athletes or participated in this thrilling event.


Ward House secured their third consecutive victory in the House Regatta Cup, amassing an impressive 28 points, ahead of Campion and Loreto, each on 23 points.


Well done to our Year 8 rowers, who embraced the opportunity to race alongside their more experienced counterparts in their respective Houses despite concluding their Rowing Program this week. This experience will undoubtedly prove invaluable as they continue their journey in the world of rowing.


Rowing Presentation Dinner

Our Rowing Presentation Dinner, held on the same Saturday evening, was a delightful gathering that brought together the entire College rowing community. It was an opportunity to celebrate the dedication and passion of our rowers and acknowledge their remarkable achievements throughout the year.


Here are the award winners who shone brightly on this special night:


Year 9 Awards 

Most Improved (Female): Elizabeth Levey

Most Improved (Male): Angus McCrae

Best Rower (Female): Lily Lucas

Best Rower (Male): Nick Pritchard


Year 10 Awards 

Most Improved (Female): Elsie Samson

Most Improved (Male): Jake Newcombe

Best Rower (Female): Aliya Barac

Best Rower (Male): Jonah Thompson


Senior Awards 

Most Improved (Female): Eliza Brown

Most Improved (Male): Markus Janisch

Best Rower (Female): Cassie Tonkin

Best Rower (Male): Austin Vincent


Club Person Awards 

Ash Purnell (Female)

Raph Zidar (Male)


Congratulations to all our award winners! Your dedication and hard work have not gone unnoticed, and you have set an inspiring example for the entire JTC rowing community.


As we reflect on these recent achievements, let's continue to support and encourage one another, both on and off the water. Our rowing program thrives on the strength of our community, and together, we will achieve even greater heights in the seasons to come.

Hollywood Bingo Fundraiser

John XXIII Rowing Club are organising a major fundraising event to raise funds for new equipment. The Hollywood Bingo night will be held in the Thomas More Exhibition Centre on Saturday, 4 November

Celebrating the 2023 Rowing Season

We celebrate the 2023 Rowing Season! Here's to the incredible community that makes our Rowing Club thrive! Our Club is about more than just rowing; it's about fostering teamwork and camaraderie that extend beyond the water from the dedicated rowers and their families to our amazing committee members and coaches. We're grateful for all our members and volunteers who unite to make our rowing family vibrant and strong.




Jerram Gibson

John XXIII Rowing Coordinator