Principal News

Video transcript:

Hello everyone, and welcome to this fortnight's addition of our school newsletter.

As always, it is a busy place, with lots of great things happening around the school.


Today, I bumped into a young man who proudly told me it was his last external exam, the physics exam today. The year 12's are certainly getting very excited as they come towards the end of the external exams and start thinking about their formal and graduation. I can't wait to celebrate those milestone events with those young people this year.


On the weekend is remembrance day, and our school will do that by sharing a minute silence on Friday and allowing our school community to reflect and be grateful for all those who have gone before them in the space of war to ensure the safety and peace that we currently have. 


As well as that, the amazing The Fungus The Musical will be showcasing the movie version of the stage show this weekend as well. People are able to buy tickets and come and watch the movie live with the cast and many of their supporters.



As always, in Term 4, we are crazy busy doing lots of things to prepare the school for next year. 


We have had many of our young people who are coming from Primary Schools join us for transition days and transition programs, so they get really good at understanding the way the school works, where to go and what to do at the right time. I am incredibly grateful to our primary school colleagues who have supported us in ensuring those students will transition successfully with us next year.


Until next time, stay safe and see you soon.

Announcing BOQ as School Platinum Sponsor

The Gap State High School is proud to announce that BOQ The Gap have joined our community, coming on board for 2023 and 2024 as our School Platinum Sponsor.

BOQ The Gap are supporting our Specialist Volleyball Program. This will mean some exciting things in this space, stay tuned!


We are thrilled to have BOQ The Gap onboard and join our Sponsor Team.

We look forward to the exciting opportunities in this sponsorship over the coming years!