General News

From the Archives
In 2012, St. Peter’s College adopted the House system for the pastoral care of students. Each House was assigned a patron. Some Houses such as Romero, MacKillop, Kolbe and Glowrey were named after the surname of their patron. One was named in honour of the Blessed Virgin, Mary and one, Augustine, was named after the patron’s Christian name. Two: Avila and Assisi, were named after the birth places of their patrons. Avila is a city in Spain. It was inhabited in the pre-Christian era. It still has the medieval walls surrounding it. Avila was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985.It is also the birthplace of St Theresa of Avila, one of four female Doctors of the Church. St. Theresa was born in 1515, two years prior to Martin Luther’s Reformation. She was a Carmelite nun, Spanish mystic, and a reformer of the Catholic Church in response to Luther’s reforms. Avila House is named in her honour. The House colour is white: a connection to St. Theresa’s title of Doctor of the Church. Assisi is a town in Italy. Like Avila it was inhabited in pre-Christian times. Like Avila, Assisi is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was designated as such in 2000. Assisi is the birthplace of Francis Bernadone who is revered as St. Francis of Assisi. He was born c. 1151, the son of an Italian silk merchant. For a time, he was a soldier. Around February 1208, St. Francis experienced a conversion of sorts (he was already Christian) and began preaching the Gospel. His example began attracting others and became the Franciscan Order of Friars. Like St. Francis, the Friars wandered Europe and preached the Gospel. St. Francis was and is associated with the environment. The colour of Assisi House is green because of this connection.
St. Peter, Pray for us.
St. Theresa of Avila, Pray for us.
St. Francis of Assisi, Pray for us.
Greg Nelson
College Archivist
Vinnies Winter Appeal - Soup Day
Year 11 VCE Vocational Major & The Social Justice Group
As part of the Personal Development Skills course, the Vocational Major students teamed up with the Social Justice Group to raise funds for Vinnies.
The VM students have been learning about youth homelessness, which included a visit from David Edwards from Vinnies who gave his personal experience about the plight of the homeless and the work of Vinnies in the Cranbourne area. Students decided to raise money and create awareness through a soup day in the St.Martha Hospitality Kitchen.
A range of soups were offered including pumpkin, Italian meatball, chicken and corn and Vietnamese pho soup. As well as soup cheese toasties and a sausage sizzle were also available. The lunch was a great success and raised over $400 as part of the College contribution to the Vinnies Winter Appeal.
Mr Paul Woodbridge
VM & Applied Learning Teacher CLN
About National Health and Physical Education Day
Australian school children rank among the lowest in the world when it comes to their physical activity levels. To tackle this problem, they need to be taught skills and have better knowledge and understanding of how to lead active and healthy lifestyles.
That’s why National Health and Physical Education (HPE) Day has been designed to raise awareness of, and advocate for, a greater focus of HPE in our schools.
The theme of HPE day is Good for Children, Good for Schools and Good for Communities and in 2023 HPE day will be celebrated on Wednesday 6th September 2023!
St Peter’s College participated in Health & Physical Education Week (HPE Week) between Monday 4th September and Friday 8th September.
The VM students and college staff ran daily activities for students to engage in during both Recess and Lunch, some examples of the fantastic activities on offer were:
- Dance class,
- Acrobatics class
- Longest kick competition
- Staff vs Student games
- Table tennis competition
- Just Dance
- Melbourne City soccer clinics + more!
Students also had the chance to participate in the daily HPE quiz.
Well done to the following winners for their respective day’s quiz:
Monday – Asher Mitchell (CLN) / Vedant Patel (CRA)
Tuesday – Kaleb Thomson (CLN) / Alaylie Schweitzer (CRA)
Wednesday – Caitlyn Clarke-Bruce (CLN) / Matilda Turner (CRA)
Thursday – Kasli Cchin (CLN) / Matthew Biswas (CRA)
Friday – Kyah Wright (CLN) / Andrew Mavondo (CRA)
Well done to all students and staff who got involved throughout the week to raise awareness of, and advocate for, a greater focus on HPE in our schools!
St. Peter’s College Parents & Friends
The Executive may be contacted through the College:
President: Ms Naomi Bartlett (College Advisory Board Representative)
Secretary: vacant
Treasurer: Mrs Marzena Mansilla
P&F Committee Representative on College Advisory Committee: Ms Naomi Bartlett
To Contact St. Peter's College Parents & Friends Executive:
Entertainment Fundraising:
Each year St. Peter’s College P&F with staff and students raise vital funds for our sister school Bishop Epalle Catholic College in the Solomon Islands.
This year we are kicking off our campaign with 20% of each sale of the ‘Entertainment’ membership to go towards their computer lab requirements, with the aim of further linking their Senior students with our St. Peter’s College Senior students and teachers.
And there is something in it for you too. With your membership you can save well over the cost of your membership in discounts on holiday activities, dining, travel, shopping and much much more.
The Entertainment Book is a local, national and international restaurant and activity guide which provides hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for the finest restaurants, cafes, attractions, activities, retailers and hotel accommodation.
Membership gives you exclusive offers that are virtually restriction free, offers to enjoy all year long.
The Entertainment Digital Membership puts the value of the Entertainment Book into your Apple or Android smartphone. With ‘near me’ technology and the ability to show and save using your phone, this is perfect for the person on-the-go, with no Card or Voucher to present.
By clicking on the link below you will ensure that the fundraising dollars from each membership purchased comes to St. Peter’s College Fundraising initiatives.