From our Principal

Dear Parents, Students and Friends,
That’s a wrap. Term 3 is “done and dusted”! I can’t quite believe all of the amazing events and happenings that have occurred in this term alone: Legally Blonde – our first production in our very own Performing Arts Centre, Futures Expo, subject selection interviews, Book in a Day, SIS sports including being crowned Division B champions, Wako Kokusai Japanese visit, Pursuit of Excellence, House Masses, Building blessings and openings, Student Learning Conversations, Science Week, Health and PE week, Student Well-being workshops, Father’s day breakfast, Tournament of Mind, Debating, Year 11 Leadership day, Footy Colours day, RUOK? day and that is only some of the wonderful opportunities presented to students during Term 3.
These events are integrated into the college’s learning program for very good reasons. Research suggests that students that fully immerse themselves in the co-curricular program are more likely to reach their full potential academically. It makes sense, the skill-set developed when in engaging in such activities includes: teamwork, problem-solving, effective communication skills. Students become more socially confident, are able to develop meaningful peer-to-peer relationships and are more often than not more confident and outgoing. I congratulate students for their enthusiastic involvement throughout this year so far and my sincere thanks is extended to our committed and willing staff who provide these opportunities for our students.
Blessing and Official Opening – Cranbourne Campus
In 2017 a new Masterplan was created for the Cranbourne campus. In part this was due to the anticipated growth of the campus. Importantly though it was also identified that refurbishment of learning spaces was required to enable twenty-first teaching and learning to thrive. Fast forward six years later to this week and an opportunity presented itself to celebrate the blessing and official opening of the first three stages of our new masterplan which included the Arts Precinct, the Applied Learning Centre and the Administration building. The latter also incorporating the relocation of portables and fitting out of our new uniform shop.
Father Joseph led us in the blessing of these new facilities. This was followed by the official unveiling of plaques signifying the official opening. Mr Paul Velten, the Chief Executive Officer and Director of the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Ltd stated in his words to the community:
Today, we come together to celebrate and acknowledge the remarkable transformation that has taken place here at St Peter’s College, Cranbourne. These three buildings have opened new possibilities for teaching and learning in the Arts and in Applied Learning while the new administration centre has provided a welcoming central hub for visitors and the school community. I am confident that these new buildings will be a source of inspiration to build faith and learning for generations to come.
I take this opportunity to thank sincerely the working parties and project teams which collectively are responsible for the creation of this wonderful facilities. I acknowledge in particular the work of Mr Phillip Mustey, Business Manager and project manager.
One of the highlights of the proceedings was the unveiling of the statue installations in the front foyer of the administration centre. Taking its inspiration from dialogue between Peter and Jesus, the artist Jenny Steiner has interpreted the scriptural passage in Matthew where Jesus states: “You are Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church” (Matt 16:18). Jenny states:
Jesus chose Simon to be his first apostle. Changing his name to Peter (From Greek, meaning rock), Peter is now the Rock – the foundation upon which His Church is built. The Church, our Church, is not bricks and mortar but the people, the congregation.
As the first apostle, Peter spread the word of Jesus and the people followed.
Jesus stands arms outstretched connecting Peter, the Rock and foundation of His Church, with one hand and the people who are His Church with the other.
Peter stands committed to Jesus plunging the cross into a stone with determined intent to spread the word and establish our Church.
The void between the two figures invites one to step into the space – to be enveloped by them and experience the moment.
Student Leadership
Our Year 11s participated in their Leadership training day this week. This begins the process towards the appointment of our 2024 student leaders. It also provides all Year 11s with the opportunity to reflect on the importance of leadership within our own context and beyond. Why do we place such importance on student leadership? At St Peter’s, student leadership is highly valued for its immense benefits to the individual and the entire College community. Engaging in student leadership fosters a culture where student voice is highly regarded and allows students across different year levels to share their diverse opinions and recommendations to the teaching, learning and other opportunities available at the College.
In education we know that student agency significantly increases student engagement throughout the teaching and learning process via increased student motivation. With increased motivation, students can feel confident and capable of making changes to their learning environment, that not only benefits their immediate environment, but has the potential to assist the wider community also. Student leadership also provides important skills such as: developing responsibility, the ability to plan and organise. It assists in developing team building and the skills of collaboration. Strategic thinking and problem-solving skills are developed. Most significantly student voice, engagement and participation in leadership opportunities promotes a positive culture that not only benefits the individual but also the collective. I wish all our Year 11 students all the best as they begin this important journey.
Congratulations are extended to the Senior Debating team of Clyde North Campus who have won through to the final of the SIS Debating Competition. We wish Jonathan Evans, Paige Campbell and Reeya Kumari the very best of luck as they compete in the Grand final on October 6th.
Futh (Force Nyieker) Put
We continue to keep the family of Force in our prayers as they continue to come to terms with the loss of their son, brother and friend. My thanks for those families that have reached out to express their sorrow to the family.
Wishing our students, a restful break. A reminder classes resume on Monday October 2nd.
Mr Chris Black