Mission and Identity 

  • 'Wonder' Ignite National Catholic Conference
  • Year 10 Immersion 2023
  • In the Footsteps of Blessed Edmund Rice

‘Wonder’ Ignite National Catholic Conference - ‘What is my calling?’

Students from Year 8 - Year 11 from the College availed themselves of the opportunity during the holidays to attend the ‘Wonder’ Ignite Sydney Conference, as part of the Ignite National Conference initiative. Hosted at the Broken Bay Cathedral Precinct in Wahroonga, students reveled together in faith filled joy.

Below is a reflection by Anthony Parissis of Year 10, providing an insight into his experience of Ignite:

Ignite was honestly the most rewarding experience and I can’t wait for more students and for myself to experience it next year in Brisbane.

The theme of this year’s Ignite Conference was 'wonder'. In line with this, we were called to invite the gifts of wonder and awe into our lives through the receiving of the Holy Spirit and through our own realization of God’s grace and mercy. We were called to live a life of wonder through our works as stewards for Christ’s church, and through this, consider our wider impact on our communities.

Ignite brought like minded Christians from all walks of life together to worship, sing, praise and most importantly discover what it means to be a Catholic, and what this looks like in our lives. 

We were invited to ask ourselves:

“What is my calling?”

From workshops, to rallies from the early morning into the late evening, we were given the opportunity to meet other Catholics of similar age in order to strengthen our faith and come closer with God.

It is through this renewal, or “mountaintop high” as Fr. Sam French described it, that we were able to not only receive the gift of the Holy Spirit on a more intimate level, but find ways to implement and discover the grace and glory of God in our own lives, beyond the context of the conference.

The Ignite Conference offered solemn prayer, confession, adoration and concert-like worship in a way that is best described by Mr. Petrie as “Catholic Hillsong”. It truly inspired and evoked a sense of community within young Catholics and offered a comprehensive pathway for the future of the modern Church. 

Overall, the conference instilled a strong sense of hope and optimism for the future of God's church, especially in a time where doubt and confusion can often prove themselves to be prevalent. It reassured young Catholics that the church truly is still alive in our world today.

Matthew 25:40 Faith in Action Suite - Year 10 Immersion Program 2023

The aim of the Matthew 25:40 Immersion Program is to provide St Pius X College Year 10 students with an opportunity to engage with the EREA Touchstones within an in situ context, and to apply a Catholic Worldview to contemporary Australian expressions of justice, equity and poverty.


An immersion is a powerful strategy in helping us understand and involve ourselves in Jesus’ mission. Through the immersion experience we come face to face with local people and recognise them as our brothers and sisters. We empathise with them and share their daily joys and sorrows, celebrating their richness and gifts, and feeling for their pain. We learn as much from them, possibly more, as they learn from us.


Guided throughout the experience by critical and prayerful questioning, we recognise that we are involved in and partly responsible for their reality in this global society.

In Week 2 of Term 4 the College will unveil the Immersion Opportunities available for Year 10 2023 as part of the Matthew 25:40 Immersion Program. The immersion program will take place during Week 8 of Term 4. Students wishing to partake in one of these immersions will be invited to submit their application which will be followed by an interview by the College Mission Team.

The College is pleased to be increasing student places available for the 2023 Immersion Opportunities. 

On Monday 23 October in Week 3 at 7:00 pm there will be a parent information evening at the College for parents and students to outline further details and to answer any questions.

We look forward to supporting the formation journey of your son.

In the footsteps of Blessed Edmund Rice

Term 4 commenced with Monday morning Chapel aptly led by the 2024 Student Leaders. As they proclaimed the scriptures and led communal prayer, the confronting events in the Middle East continued to unfold across the news.

The Closing Prayer offered by the College Student Leaders offers a timely reminder to be instruments of peace no matter where our journey leads us: 


Creator God, 

Help us to look out our window and see those most in need in our community. Let us clean our own lens so that we look out through love, with love and to love. Bring clarity to our vision and purpose to our action.

Inspire us to always choose courage over comfort, choosing for the good of all, not some. Guide us to pay attention to the personal story of each individual, fostering the respect, honesty and compassion that help transform lives. Help us to always remember that providence is our inheritance.

For Edmund and for us, precious moments are experienced in our ordinary encounters. Here we get a glimpse of the extraordinary that we can store in our hearts and share at any time. 

Through these moments may we stay connected to you, our loving Creator, and give generously from what we have for the good of others.

May we, in each of our own families and communities, be open to the spirit of Blessed Edmund moving in our midst to bring simplicity, humour, humility and warmth to the relationships we share.


Blessed Edmund Rice, Pray for Us

St Pius X, Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our hearts, Forever


May the light of God envelop you and your family as we commence Term 4.


Mr Daniel Petrie - Assistant Principal, Mission and Identity