Pastoral Care 

  • St Pius X College Mobile Phone protocols and policies
  • Year 9 Pastoral Care Camps
  • Senior Jazz Band 
  • 2024 Student Leadership Team 
  • Buddies not Bullies Bushwalk
  • Eddie Rice CIP Hours
  • Uruguay Reflection
  • Old Boys' News

St Pius X College Mobile Phone protocols and policies

With the NSW Education rollout of the ban on mobile phones in classrooms and schools taking place this week it is timely to remind our community of the St Pius X College protocols which have been in place for several years now:

'Students must put their mobile phones in their locker when they arrive at school and only take them out when they leave the school. Junior School students place their phones in the designated phone locker in their homeroom.

Any messages to students from parents should be directed through the College Office: 9411 4733.'

Transgression of these protocols result in the phone being confiscated to the College Deputy, or Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care in his absence.  The phone can be collected at the end of the day along with further consequence such as detention.

The presence of a mobile phone in the learning environment results in significantly reduced cognitive, social and emotional focus on the learning according to credible research. 

The St Pius X College Mobile Phone Policy remains:         'Phone Away All Day'

Year 9 Pastoral Care Camps

Our Year 9 'Rites of Passage' Homeroom camps, beginning with 9H1 and 9H2 this week, engage the pastoral care theme of Respectful Men of Honour and Gospel Spirituality: 'Go and do likewise' (The Good Samaritan) at our Workul Koo Retreat Centre, Wamberal.

The students have had the opportunity to challenge by choice, such as Stand Up Paddle Board, Surf lesson and Coastal Bushwalk as well as exploring Aboriginal heritage, history and culture, an Ignatian-sourced Enneagram and 'Walk on Values' for our Environment, Laudato Si exercise.

Working in the smaller groupings with their homeroom leaders and coordinators Mr Scott Steinman and Mr Martin Gillogly, with some expert presenters, the students find significant meaning and purpose in the camp, as the following photos from Day 1 attest.

Senior Jazz Band at the Manly Jazz Festival

Congratulations to our Senior Jazz Band who performed with great distinction at the Manly Jazz Festival on the first Saturday of the Holidays.

The Annual Manly Jazz Festival hosted an inspirational performance from the St Pius X College Senior Jazz Band conducted by the effervescent entertainer Mr Geoff Power. The performance was however tinged with a note of sadness as we farewelled our Year 12 2023 musicians fronted by Jacob Chang on vocals who wowed the audience with 'Beyond the Sea' and including College Captain Eamon Boyle on keyboard and Lucas Wong!

Well done to the SPX Senior Jazz Band and supporters. You did the College proud in the best traditions of St Pius X, its 86 year history, culture and performance. 

Those who drink the water remember those who dug the well!

Student Leadership Team 2024

Global partnership zoom connections with Stella Maris Uruguay and later in the term with the The Abbey School, Limerick

As an important component of their Speechcraft Presentation Course, our Year 11 Student Leadership Team took time out of their holidays last Thursday for a Speechcraft session preparing for their upcoming Student Leadership Investiture Thursday 26 October and Speechcraft Graduation Dinner: Tuesday 31 October.

Later that evening they conducted a Zoom conference with fellow Edmund Rice school, Stella Maris Uruguay, a school made famous by the 'Alive' 1972 plane crash in the Andes. The boys and girls who make up the Student Leadership Team from Stella Maris shared insights into their country, school and leadership structures, activities and aspirations with our team. This initiative consolidated the 'EREA Touchstone' letters shared between our Year 7 students. The fact that the Stella Maris students were communicating eloquently in English, their second language, was not lost on our Student Leaders. 

In a few weeks’ time we will conference online with The Abbey School, Limerick, Ireland and we thank principals, Mrs Patricia de Leon (Stella Maris) and Mr Simon Sadleir (The Abbey School), as well as staff Mrs Rosanna Tessore (Stella Maris) and Mr Conor Hayes (The Abbey School) for facilitating their sharing with our Edmund Rice cousins.  

Buddies not Bullies Beachwalk

Members of our Peer Mentoring program are reminded to see Mr Brannan or other staff members of the counselling and wellbeing teams over the coming weeks to return a permission form and register for the Buddies Not Bullies Beachwalk between Long Reef and Dee Why Beach after school on the Founder's Day Festival on Friday 24 November.

Eddie Rice CIP Hours opportunity with Frenchs Forest Parish Landcare Sunday 15 October

Please see below advance notice of an invitation for students to participate in the Landcare Laudato Si Social Justice program at Frenchs Forest Parish St Anthony in the Fields Terrey Hills Church on 15 October. The program is often co-participated with students from Brigidine, Monte and Mater Maria Colleges and supports the Kieran Creek rehabilitation and our Reconciliation Action Plan to restore this important Cammeraygal pathway to the Cowan and Darkinjung lands. See Mr Brannan for more details, consent permissions, which can also be filled in with your parents and Anne Lanyon when you arrive, or to report your participation and accrue Eddie Rice CIP hours.

Uruguay Reflection

On Thursday 5 October, the 2024 Student Leadership Team had the opportunity to connect with Stella Maris College in Montevideo, Uruguay via Zoom. Our Student Leadership Team were not only able to build relations with a fellow Edmund Rice school, but also listen to their stories, values, hobbies, lifestyle, and Leadership Team structure as well as future initiatives. This enriching experience enabled engaging discussions and reminded us of the importance of global connections with the broader Edmund Rice story. We would like to thank all staff members who made this opportunity possible. 

2024 Student Leadership Team

Old Boys' News

Congratulations to Cian Hughes (class of 2021) who has won a golf title at the University of North Alabama. Cian was a keen representative footballer for Manly FC while at St Pius X before his passion drew him to the Long Reef Golf Club as a junior. 

On graduation Cian accepted an NCAA golf scholarship to Alabama University where he currently studies and competes on the NCAA circuit. We wish him every continued success in his endeavours.

Well done Cian on winning the Dan York Memorial Golf Title / Tournament with scores of 70, 68, and 70 to prevail by 3 shots.

Fide et Labore

Mr Sean Brannan - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care