From the Principal

  • Reflection
  • Blessed Edmund Rice Icon
  • Welcome back to Term 4
  • HSC Examinations commence
  • Staffing News
  • Safe return of the Pilgrims from the Holy Land
  • Cocurricular program continues


Prayer for Peace

God of all goodness, You have been our refuge from generation to generation. 

Your will is that peace should shine on all people everywhere. 

With your spirit, guide the efforts of humankind to bring peace and justice to the nations of the earth, and give strength to rulers and all who work to establish peace and justice in the world. 

Inspire those who come together in search of ways to bring about peace, and through your word, change the hearts of all people so that we shall strive for: 

Peace, and not war, 

The Common Good, rather than individual wellbeing, 

Your Justice, instead of our own glory. 

You have given us your peace. Enable us to share that peace with those around us, so that love and harmony may be always present in our lives, that all the world may know happiness, that we may live with dignity as brothers and sisters, and that all may rejoice in your presence. United in diversity, we call upon your infinite grace, humbly asking you to receive our prayer and make us instruments of your peace. 



As we commence the term, let us keep our prayers for all the innocent victims of the middle east as their peace has been totally challenged.  May our lovely God share his peace with all people around the world especially during this difficult time.

Blessed Edmund Rice Icon

The Icon provides all Edmund Rice communities an insight into the person who was Blessed Edmund Rice.


Heart of Christ

The Sacred Heart - Its dynamism epitomizes the source and outflow of compassionate energy which both Nano and Edmund harnessed and worked out of.


 Blessed Edmund Rice saying:

‘Give to the poor in handfuls’


Blessed Edmund Rice - Pray for Us

St Pius X - Pray for Us

Live Jesus in our Hearts - Forever!

Welcome back to Term 4

The commencement of any term signals an opportunity for all our students to reflect on the previous term and hopefully put into place strategies that will assist them in becoming better people and better learners. By reviewing their learning attributes and their goals, students in Year 7 – 10 are encouraged to immediately implement strategies so that they can continue their improvement journey as the end of their academic year is fast approaching.  Year 10, in particular, have only three teaching and learning weeks before their examinations commence in Week 4.  Year 11, on the other hand, have just completed their HSC Preliminary course and commence the rigour of the HSC program.  I encourage all students to have an open mindset and become the extraordinary young men we know they are and in doing so making St Pius X the best possible community.

HSC Examinations commence – best wishes to all our students

Please keep all our Year 12 students in your prayers as they commence their HSC Examinations.  This can be a very stressful time for students, but I know your prayers and best wishes will help our students remain calm and focused through this time. 

Staffing News 

With a number of staff on leave for Term 4, we welcome the following staff to the College:

  • Jonathan Dawson (English)
  • Kristie Stubley (Visual Arts)
  • Vita Carbone (English) 
  • Phil O’Sullivan and Jennifer Tran (Maths)

Mr Tassone will be the Acting Year 8 Coordinator for Term 4 as Mr Stollery is on leave.  Please refer all Year 8 matters to Mr Tassone.


In the absence of Ms Doyle, please refer all Visual Arts matters to Mr Lee who will be the Acting Visual Arts Coordinator for Term 4.


I would also like to welcome Mr Stearn to the College Leadership Team as he commences his new role as Assistant Principal, Cocurricular.  Mr Stearn will be a strong advocate for all things associated with our cocurricular program and with his wealth of experience in this domain I know that the students will benefit greatly.  We wish him every success in this new and exciting role.

Safe return of the Pilgrims from the Holy Land

We welcome back Mr Balboa from the Holy Land.  Mr Balboa was part of a group of Our Lady of Dolours parishioners who had been visiting the Holy Land during the school holidays.  This has been an amazing experience for Mr Balboa.  We are very fortunate that he and the group returned back safely over the weekend.

Cocurricular program continues this week

With district cricket in full swing, we commence our basketball program with internal trials this weekend.  I look forward to seeing as many basketball games as possible this weekend.  Junior School sport will also commence this weekend with basketball, softball and touch football . Best wishes tall our players in their nominated sport.


Live Jesus in Our Hearts - Forever

Mr Michael Ronchetti - Principal