
Mr. John Ryan - Deputy Principal

MMCRC Complaints and Grievances Procedure

People have the right to lodge legitimate complaints. In fact, Child Safe Standards 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 all refer to the rights of young persons as being integral to the successful application of these standards within a child-safe entity. In the previous newsletter section of Wellbeing, our community was advised that the College has a set approach to the complaint-handling process. This process is focused on students and their safety needs.


The College has released a new document worthy of our perusal. The MMCRC Complaints and Grievances Procedure provides a clear methodology for our community to issues or concerns that can cause stress or worry for students and impact their well-being and learning. MMCRC encourages our students to raise issues or concerns as they arise so that we can work together to resolve them. Students with a concern or complaint can raise them with:

  1. A trusted adult at school, for example, with your Homeroom Teacher, Year Level Wellbeing Leader, Pastoral Care Leader, Deputy Principals, Wellbeing Team members, a member of the Child Safety Committee, and/or the Principal.  

This person will take your concern or complaint seriously and will explain to you what steps we can take to try to resolve the issue and support you.  

  1. Students can also ask to have another trusted adult present as a support person when discussing your concern
  2. Students can ask a parent, guardian, carer or another trusted adult outside of the school, to talk to us about the issue instead.  
  3. Other ways students can raise a concern or complaint with the College include, talking to a Student Leader (College Captains, College Vice-Captains, Justice Captains, House Leaders, and/or Class Captains) about your concern and any suggestions you have for resolving it.

The link to the new procedure can be found by clicking on the following link.  https://www.mackillopleongatha.catholic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Complaints-and-Grievances-Management-Procedure.pdf


Sun Smart and Hats

Hats will be required for staff and students for all outdoor activities commencing Monday, November 6. Please ensure your child has a hat to bring to school. School hats are available for sale in the College office.


School Uniform Advice

Students are not permitted to wear casual or commercially made hoodies to or from school. Parents are asked to support the College by reminding their children to wear the designated approved uniform items. A letter will be sent via PAM if students are repeatedly asked to remove such clothing.


How to handle exam anxiety

Parents and students may benefit by looking at the MMCRC School TV page. There is excellent advice about Exam jitters and anxiety. See link
