Where everyone is Welcome!
Calendar Dates- What's on.
11th Yr 3/4 Basketball Day
13th School Concert Rehearsal - 9.30-3.30pm
13th School Concert - Change Sings 7.00pm
15th Walk for TiWi - Footy Colours Day
15th Last Day of Term 3 - 1.00pm Dismissal
2nd Term 4 Commences
3rd Life Stories Presentation
5th Scienceworks - Whole School Excursion
Father of mercy,
give your people help and strength from heaven.
The birth of the Virgin Mary’s Son
was the dawn of our salvation.
May this celebration of her birthday
bring us closer to lasting peace.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with
you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
From the Principal
Dear Families,
Tomorrow, the 8th of September, is the Feast of Mary, the Mother of God. Mary displayed the perfect example of discipleship. We too, as disciples, can be guided by her simplicity, moral character, and her love for God.
There is a lot of excitement around the school as we look forward to the School Concert and other things happening next week.
R U OK Day
Next Thursday, 14 September is R U OK Day, a day that signifies the importance of checking in with each other. This day also reminds us of the need to take notice of our own emotions. Learning to listen patiently to our emotions, to hear what they are telling us, and then acting in a way that adds to our wellbeing, is a skill learnt over the course of a lifetime. Talking with others about how we feel can help clarify what we need to do to take good care of ourselves.
Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS)
A gentle reminder that all families are invited to complete the Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools School Improvement Survey (MACSSIS) by Friday 15 September. You would have received an email with your login details for this. Please contact the school office if you have any questions regarding the survey.
School Assemblies
A reminder that there is no assembly tomorrow. We will have assembly in Week 10.
Footy Colours Day and Walk for Tiwi
Footy Colours Day, next Friday, will coincide with our mini walkathon, Walk for Tiwi.
Students are invited to wear sports uniform, football jumpers or similar. The walkathon will commence straight after assembly at 9.00am. Students will walk or run laps of the oval and we will end the session with footy drills and all students will be given an icy-pole. Students are invited to bring in a gold coin donation.
Best wishes always,
Michelle Worcester
Thank you to the Dad's and Grandfather's who attended the annual Father's Day Breakfast last week. Here are some pics.
Matt Cosgrove Author Session
To celebrate Book Week the Prep and Grade 1/2 classes participated in an online learning session with the well-known Australian author and illustrator, Matt Cosgrove. We were fortunate to be given great insight to how Matt created his characters and how he thinks of the funny storylines for his books. We learnt that some of his books are based on funny Dad jokes! We were thrilled to hear Matt read his books, Macca the Alpaca and Dharma the Llama! Matt also demonstrated how he draws his characters and he taught us some easy tricks so that we could draw them too. We learnt so much about writing and illustrating picture story books, we were really grateful that Matt offered this free session to celebrate Book Week and that we could participate with other schools from all around Australia.
If you wish to know more about Matt Cosgrove or are interested in buying his books, please look at his website.
A few pictures of our Book Week Parade held last Friday.
Children in Yr 3-6 participated at the District Athletics at the Tom Kelly Athletics Track today. A great day of competition and camaraderie.
STEM MAD Poster Competition
We are delighted to share the news that Ryan Y was selected as finalist in the Melbourne STEM MAD poster competition. This competition is open to all primary and secondary schools in the Melbourne Archdiocese. Students were set the task of creating a poster to represent what STEM MAD -Make a Difference means to them. It is a huge achievement for one of our students to be chosen. Congratulations Ryan, we are all very proud of you.
Thank you to Maria Andrews for organising and facilitating the Father’s day stall, her last stall for St Philips. We are so appreciative of all the hard work she has done for the school. The P&F will miss her! Thanks to all the volunteers who also helped out on Friday, especially those on tuckshop duty afterwards too! Super Volunteers! Next term we'll be hosting a Casino Night for all parents and friends of St Philips. See below for more information.
Thank you for your continued support of the school and the P&F.
Ashley Mitcham and Veronika McLindon
See below for important P&F notices:
Casino Night
P&F are hosting a Casino night for Parents and Friends.
Friday 13th October from 7pm, in the Father Arnold Hall.
No cost, just a chance for parents and friends of the school to catch up and have some fun together!
Please indicate here that you would like to attend; for catering purposes. https://forms.gle/rThcNb2sZk9groD28
Hope to see you there!
Cake Raffle
Thank you for your tasty support of the cake raffle this term!! We have had a cake donation every week this term!
We need a baker for the final week of term:
Here is the sign up sheet for term 4!
Cakes need to be delivered to the school office on Friday morning.
Please include your family name and ingredients.
Tuck Shop
Thank you to Nicole and the tuck-shop team for running tuck-shop.
Looking to get involved? Please contact: Nicole George - 0409 253 863
Entertainment books are another piece to our fundraising puzzle. When you sign up you receive 12 months of discounts and offers - and our school benefits - 20% of every membership purchased goes to support our school!