Term 4 Curriculum Newsletters



In Literacy this term, our Prep students are learning how to structure a simple narrative by utilising the sentence structures they have been learning all year to write simple stories. We will explore the role that characters, settings, problems and solutions play in forming interesting stories. Students will learn to gradually write simple stories by including all of these story elements. With an aim to expand our spoken and written vocabulary, we are learning about synonyms that help us reach up high for better or more specific words.


In preparation for Year 1, we have begun our bridging units exploring how one sound can be spelt using different spellings. We will continue to read and spell words with four and five sounds using the single-letter, consonant digraphs and trigraph (tch) spellings we have learnt throughout the year. Partner reading is practised daily with an aim to grow our reading fluency and automaticity.  



In Mathematics, through Daily Review, we are continually strengthening and revising learnt concepts such as counting forwards and backwards, writing number bonds, solving addition and subtraction equations, and telling time to the hour on digital and analogue clocks. This term, we will expand on our number and place value knowledge as we compare and order numbers up to 100 and beyond by identifying tens and ones and representing numbers using unifix and base ten blocks. We will learn to add and subtract within 20 by using concrete materials and also investigate sharing collections into equal groups. We will collect and represent data through picture graphs and will be applying our learning to help us further our understanding of weather patterns. Students will also expand on their knowledge of different measurement areas such as volume, capacity and area and learn how to use the correct vocabulary to measure and compare these units informally. 


Inquiry: Weather in my World

For our Earth and Space Science unit ‘Weather in my World’, we will observe and record characteristics of weather. We will also investigate how weather affects our daily lives, the role of weather forecasts, and the strategies we can use to predict changes in the weather. As students take on the role of Weather Reporters in the classroom, they will share their observations and how the weather influences our decisions about what to wear and the things we are able to do.

Supporting Learning at HomeWe ask that you please continue to read with your child every night, practise handwriting and counting forwards and backwards to 100 and beyond. 

Grade 1

In Literacy, students will work on further developing their knowledge of spelling patterns and polysyllabic words. Our reading focus will be on narrative texts. Students will work on comprehension strategies, such as predicting and innovating, based on text evidence and background knowledge. As writers, students will practise completing sentences when provided with a sentence stem containing a subordinating conjunction, such as ‘before’, ‘after’, ‘if’, and ‘when’. Students will identify and convert fragments to sentences and use descriptive vocabulary to make their writing interesting. We will work on innovating familiar texts, for example changing the ending of a story. Students will work on further developing their editing skills, such as checking for correct spelling and punctuation.  


In Numeracy, students will further reinforce mathematical concepts through daily review sessions. Students will use efficient strategies to add and subtract multiples of ten with and without base ten blocks. We will describe a collection using the words ‘groups of’ and use skip counting to find the total. Students will investigate how to use informal units to measure and compare the capacity of various containers. We will work on fractions, dividing lengths into halves and quarters. Students will explore concepts of division, probability and chance. 


Our Inquiry unit is ‘My Community Altona Meadows’, students will focus on local places that are special to us and important within the wider community, and how they can be cared for. We will investigate natural and constructed features in our community and how they change over time. Students will learn how to use maps to navigate and find places in the local area. 

Grade 2/3

We call Australia home, and this term the Grade 2/3s will be learning all about the geography of this incredible country that we live in. Following on from Term 2’s Inquiry topic, the History of Melbourne, we will expand our horizons and learn about the natural and constructed landmarks of Australia. Some of the topics we’ll cover include mapping, states and territories, capital cities, indigenous links with the land, climate, population, flora and fauna.


In Term 4 we will be reading fairy tales, fables and folktales. We will investigate the similarities and differences between these text types, and consider character traits and points of view. Lots of fun is in store as we practise fluency and expression by performing scripts based on popular traditional tales.


After developing their understanding of the features of this genre, students will write their own fractured fairy tale! We can’t wait to see the ideas the students come up with to put a twist on well-known stories from the past. To help the students create engaging stories for an audience, we will focus on including adjectives, adverbs and a variety of sentence types (simple, compound, complex).


This term students will be applying all the knowledge, skills and strategies they have developed over the course of the year by solving word problems and open-ended tasks covering addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will measure and compare perimeter (cm), area (cm2, m2) and capacity (mL, L), as well as producing column graphs to display data. The 2/3s will also investigate Australian coins and solve problems involving money. Perhaps we will be able to use the new coins featuring King Charles.


Later in the term the 2/3 classes will have a Kitchen class with Trish, putting into practice some of the Maths skills they have worked on this year (measurement, fractions, temperature). Please check the Kitchen Garden schedule on Compass, and consider volunteering to help out your child’s class with this most delicious activity!

Grade 4/5

This term our Inquiry unit is called ‘Going Global.’ And what better way to start the unit than looking at the world globe and finding features such as countries, continents, oceans and locating the equator. As we venture our way through the unit, we will look at comparing Australia to the other continents around our unique world. This will include looking at the similarities and differences in climates, vegetation, native animals, the distribution of people & natural features, differing languages and religions. This will culminate with the students presenting data on their chosen country, explaining it’s geographical data and topical features.


In Mathematics this term, the students will continue to work on the ‘Ochre Education & the Shaping Minds,’ programs. Here we will undertake daily reviews of the concepts introduced, those that we are currently working on and also looking at future concepts. The areas that we will cover in term 4 include decimals & fractions to thousandths, calculating area, converting between 12 & 24 hour time, writing & determining coordinate points, measuring angles and conducting chance experiments. The sessions will include variations to the lessons to accommodate students who require support, while also extending others also.


In Reading this semester we will be concentrating mainly on Folk Tales which have been passed down from generation to generation. These Folk Tales are from all over the world which include countries such as Chile, Cameroon and Brazil. During and after these readings we will discuss the meaning and origin of words, retelling the main sections, using comprehension where the answer may be literal or inferred, finding pause points and studying the metaphors within the text. In Writing, the students will start with persuasive writing, some convincing people that they would make a terrific school captain, other students persuading parents that they deserve a new present. Parents, you be the judge of that! The remainder of the term will include refining their skills when writing a narrative piece.

Grade 6

This term in Grade 6 will be busy and packed with many exciting learning opportunities. Throughout our Economics and Business unit, the students will explore the importance of economic and financial decision-making in everyday life. The students will consider the nature of work, the influences on the way people work in today’s society, and potential influences in the future. This unit will culminate in a business related project that is planned, designed and implemented by the students. This project will also cover topics in their reading, writing and mathematics studies. We also attended our Canberra camp which covered topics from term 3.


Additionally in reading and writing, the students are working towards producing letters and memoirs in preparation for their graduation. 


In maths, we will be covering concepts in the topics of cartesian planes, angles, and shape.


A major focus of this term is our preparation for the student's end of year graduation ceremony. As a part of this event, the students will perform a song and dance, as well as presenting speeches about their time as students of AGPS. It is sure to be a fantastic event that will showcase all the hard work and effort these students have put in for the past year.