5/6 Join War on Waste

War on Waste at Macedon Primary School

By Emmanuel A and Jayden M


Every class has now had a visit from the Macedon Ranges Council to educate us about waste management. They showed what waste goes where in each of the bins. They also showed us what happens to the plastic, glass and waste that we use every day and how we can reuse the waste in very creative ways like making glass and putting it into new pathways. 



Our job in our classrooms is to sort our waste properly using the right bins. Mr O has been so kind and is taking soft plastics to be recycled, which some classes have been collecting. We can help reduce our waste usage by bringing nude food when  we can to keep our planet clean and healthy for future generations to come. 


During the rest of the year you might see some changes happening around school, such as clear bin labels which will help both older and younger students where their rubbish goes if confused. There will also be more compost bins in classrooms to encourage students to put their food scraps in the right bin. Regular waste audits will be put in place around the school to put it in the bin and not on the ground.


Thank you to our families for doing your bit at home and reducing the rubbish we bring to school. We deeply thank you and so does the planet. 



Nude food helps reduce waste at school going to the wrong place (like our beautiful grounds or in the wrong bin)


Classes can collect their soft plastics and place them in Mr O’s soft plastics bin in the Wellbeing Learning Hub!


Sorting our rubbish in our classrooms helps keep waste out of landfill!



Thanks to Tamara from MRSC for helping us understand how to reduce our waste and make sure it goes to the right place.