Forest School 

This week we continued to connect with nature in various ways. This included hugging trees (5/6GP were the best tree huggers!); making mud doughnuts; trying to catch tadpoles (no luck yet); catching a baby yabby (we think…); whittling using Opinel knives; and building structures such as teepees and see-saws. It has been fun, muddy and satisfying!


I am seeking donations of wood offcuts for children to practice some basic tool skills using hammers and hand drills. Please send me an email if you think you have something suitable:


I am also seeking volunteers to help with some sessions so that we can practise lighting and cooking on fire again. Please get in touch if you have some flexibility to attend a double session on either a Monday or Wednesday to support the program. 


Equally, if you can spare 45 minutes during your child’s Forest School time-slot we’d love you to join us! Please get in touch to arrange this. The children love showing their families the things they do at Forest School!


From Sarah the Forest Fairy.