Religious Dimension

God our Father,

We give you thanks and praise for fathers young and old.

We pray for young fathers newly embracing their vocation;

May they find courage and perseverance to balance work, family, and faith in joy and sacrifice.

We pray for fathers around the world whose children are lost and suffering;

May they know that the God of compassion walks with them in their sorrow.

We pray for men who are not fathers but still mentor and guide us with fatherly love and advice.

We remember fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers who are no longer with us but who live forever in our memory and nourish us with their love,




Happy Father’s Day to fathers, grandfathers, and stepfathers! This celebration gives us reason to pause, to pray for, and to reflect on our Fathers whom we honour. On this Father’s Day, we celebrate, congratulate, and pray for the men who continue to reflect the Divine qualities of fatherhood as they lovingly establish, nourish, and maintain their families. Fathers are a blessing, and we thank them for blessing us with lives of dedication and love.

As we reflect on the many traditions and celebrations from around the world, that have led to Father’s Day for us, we honour all the fathers and significant men in our lives who have passed away. We give thanks for those who have made sacrifices for our families. We celebrate the godfathers, saints, and father figures in our lives and we express our gratitude for the workers and the stepfathers making a difference every day. 

We pray for all our fathers.