Prep Update

Prep A-Miss Hope Prep B-Miss Papa Prep C-Ms Lloyd Prep D-Mrs Herres Prep E-Ms Rhimes

Prep A-Miss Hope
Prep B-Miss Papa
Prep C-Ms Lloyd
Prep D-Mrs Herres
Prep E-Ms Rhimes
Prep A-Miss Hope
Prep B-Miss Papa
Prep C-Ms Lloyd
Prep D-Mrs Herres
Prep E-Ms Rhimes

Upcoming learning 

During the next fortnight, Prep students are undertaking learning in the following areas:


Week 8 & 9: We will be focusing on comprehension during and after reading texts. This includes using the text to answer questions to demonstrate our understanding.

We will continue to engage in daily Phonics lessons, focusing on the /th/ and /ng/ digraphs. We are continuing to link our learning to the sounds learnt earlier in the year.


Week 8 & 9: We are completing our unit on Information reports, finishing with an Australian animal of our choice. 

We will be writing a recount of our excursion to the Moonlit Sanctuary, including new learnings and favourite parts.


Week 8: We will be continuing subtraction, using the language of take-away, difference, less and fewer and exploring  range of strategies. 

Week 9: We will be learning a range of counting strategies, including counting forwards/backward/on 



Week 8: We are researching the Moonlit Sanctuary and using technology to research animals that we will be seeing. 

Week 9: Our Inquiry lesson will be apart of our excursion!

Social and Emotional Week 8 & 9: We will be exploring our emotions, and how we can manage fear & anxiety and negative feelings, using the book 'Don't think about purple elephants.'

News and reminders 

  • Moonlit Sanctuary excursion on the 6th of September- Please provide consent and payment via Compass as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please ask your child's classroom teacher. 
  • Colour run! This is happening on Thursday 14 September. 
  • Parent teacher interviews: These will be held on the Monday the 4th and Tuesday the 5th of September. Please book a time with your child's classroom teacher via Compass.
  • Reader satchels-  In between the reader change, please continue reading our decodable book as this will help with fluency, comprehension and blending skills. Don't forget to go through ALL the sounds we have learnt so far in our phonics books also! This will help cement those sounds. 
  • Heart words- Teachers will be checking heart words throughout the week and updating them as needed.

Celebration of learning

Sounding out
and writing words
In Prep B!
Sounding out
and writing words
In Prep B!
Prep B- Book dress up day!
Prep B- Book dress up day!
Using matchsticks and play dough to make Echidnas
For our maths sharing lessons in Prep D.
Using matchsticks and play dough to make Echidnas
For our maths sharing lessons in Prep D.
Prep C counting objects accurately
Prep C counting objects accurately
Prep A
Book Week
open morning.
Prep A
Book Week
open morning.