Student Leaders 2023


Castiel White
Kira Storer
Castiel White
Kira Storer

Sport Leaders     

Jayden Harry
Jayden Harry

Sport News

Well done to the girls soccer team for playing at regionals on Monday the 21st of August. Unfortunately they didn't make it to the next round but are really happy with their efforts. Well done! 


Last week the Year 6s competed in their first round for interschool sport this semester. The results are as follows:


Basketball A - Won 36-6

Basketball B - Lost 36-16

AFL - Won

Volleyball - Won

Rugby A - Won

Rugby B- Lost

Message from Morgan & Mahli:

Every Thursday lunch time in 1E we will be running Auslan Sign Language Club for Years 4-6. It will go from 1:30pm-1:50pm. We strongly encourage you to participate and try something new. 

House Points

Well done to Yarny (Yellow) for being the winners this fortnight of the House points. Keep earning those points in class! 


Learning Leaders    

Michael Tantra
Zoya Salman
Michael Tantra
Zoya Salman



House Leaders                                    


Green - Caitlin Suhr
Green - Milly Jackson
Yellow - Lylah Browne
Yellow - Natalie Bartuccio
Red - Harper Kelly
Red - Morgan Neal
Blue - Emily Cowen
Blue - Kingston Davida
Green - Caitlin Suhr
Green - Milly Jackson
Yellow - Lylah Browne
Yellow - Natalie Bartuccio
Red - Harper Kelly
Red - Morgan Neal
Blue - Emily Cowen
Blue - Kingston Davida


SRC Leaders 

Lex Whitehead
Mahli Tapuai-Tonumaipea
Lex Whitehead
Mahli Tapuai-Tonumaipea