Year 6 Update

6A-Mr Cole 6B-Ms Sharp 6C-Ms Sheers 6D-Ms Elkin 6E-Ms Ferdinands

6A-Mr Cole
6B-Ms Sharp
6C-Ms Sheers
6D-Ms Elkin
6E-Ms Ferdinands
6A-Mr Cole
6B-Ms Sharp
6C-Ms Sheers
6D-Ms Elkin
6E-Ms Ferdinands
SubjectLearning Focus

To analyse analytical images in texts.

To revise the literacy circle roles. 

WritingTo draft, edit and publish narrative texts.
MathsTo understand fractions, decimals and percentages.
Inquiry To complete my MAD Day project.
Social & Emotional LearningTo understand how to be kind.

Tell your child in Year 6, the bonus word for house points is "arcane

News and Reminders:

  • Homework tasks are to be uploaded every Friday to teams. Nightly reading with a parent signature is also still encouraged.
  • Students with phones must hand them to their teacher at the beginning of the day.
  • Students' BYOD must be charged prior to the beginning of the school day. 
  • Year 6 Camp 6th-8th December
  • Mad Day - 8th September

Celebration of Learning: 

Student of the week
Book Week Morning
360 Bus
360 Bus
Student of the week
Student of the week
Book Week Morning
360 Bus
360 Bus
Student of the week