Assistant Principal's Report

with Sarah Laidlaw


Tree planting:

On Monday 21st August, all the VCE VM/VPC students went to pebble beach to plant trees with Landcare.  The Year 12 students organised the event in conjunction with Ms Gunn and Mr Gibbons from Landcare for their Unit 4 outcomes.  The Year 11's participated in the activity to meet some of the outcomes of their Unit 2 outcomes.  Students have images to annotate and a presentation to create.

Huge thankyou to Landcare!!  

Specifically, Ms Gunn and Mr Gibbons for all your help, information, and guidance.

Junction Support Services Wodonga:

All students travelled to Wodonga on Thursday 17th August to investigate services that are available to the community.  They were introduced to multiple team leaders and listened to what they do and the people that they have helped.  The students asked many questions and have a good idea on what qualifications are needed to work in this area.

Thank you to all the Team Members and Cassie Diano, for feeding them and allowing us to visit to investigate community issues.

Motivational Speaker:

A few classes had the privilege of seeing Jordana Borensztajn, a motivational speaker, magician and mentalist.  


She spoke to the students about learning new skills and being resilient.  She had volunteers up on the stage and engaged with the student in a fantastic way.