The Weekly Edit

Spring is in the air this week and our much-loved snow program has finished for the year.  Thank you to staff Lenny Comerford for successfully coordinating our downhill snow program this year and to Principal Simone Roy and staff Heath Matheson, Lisa Bowring and Kate Parris for running out xc ski program.


As always, we couldn't run such programs without the help of our parents and school community volunteering their time.  This year we would like to thank the following volunteers


Richard Stratton, Monica Wurfel, Brad Edwards, Shelly Jones, Duane Gardiner, Mark Anderson, Marie Edwards , Adam Walker, Julie Smith, Nerida & Morten Hansely, Andrew Macklan and Jim Taylor.


We welcome new Education Support (ES) staff member Kay Woodward onto our team (pictured here tree planting with our Year 9 future makers last week).  Kay has a wealth of experience working with students and we are fortunate to have her on board.


Tomorrow our year 8/9/10 students will have the opportunity to take part in the Courage to Care - creating a generation of upstanders held at Wodonga Catholic College.  This B’nai B’rith initiative believes that ordinary people have the power to make a positive difference in the lives of others by being Upstanders. Taking inspiration from real-life extraordinary acts of courage, the Upstander Programs inspires people to make a real difference in their community by standing up and taking action, creating real change.  We look forward to hearing back from students to find out how it went.


Please note that tomorrow's xc ski day has been cancelled and Wednesday's Ovens & Mitta Athletics has been postponed to Monday 4th September.  On Friday we have our school nurse program for years 9 and 10 here at school and we also wish our students luck who have been nominated for the Alpine Shire Youth Awards which will be held this Friday night.  


Next week our year 9 students are off to Future Makers, a time for this cohort to regroup, reflect and often extend themselves to achieve success when they may have thought that they wouldn't or couldn't. The program gets the students to think not only about their impact on the environment, but their impact on self and others.  Thank you to Year Level Coordinator (YLC) Brad Redmond and Bogong Outdoor School Staff for facilitating such a valuable program for our students at an important time in their schooling life.  You can see pictures of our year 9 future makers planting trees in the 'out & about' page of the newsletter.

And lastly we will end with gratitude for the donation of a new piano to our school and the sound of music at break times.  Pictured above are year 7 students Emily and Isobel playing up a storm!  You can read about our new piano in the Principal's Report.  


Have a great week.  Enjoy the read.