Bands and Ensembles

TLSC Bands and Ensembles Bring Joy to the Local Shopping Centre

Throughout 2023, our music students have held several lunchtime concerts performing at our local shopping centre ‘Keilor Central’. 


Congratulations to the students that have had the opportunity to showcase their dedication and hard work to shoppers and shop owners, and for fostering unity and harmony amongst our greater community. 

For our students in the Performing Arts program, performing at local shopping centres not only provides a unique opportunity to display their talents, but the applause, cheers, and support from the community also boosts their confidence and inspires them to continue pursuing their musical passions. 

Local shop owners and employees enthusiastically supported our concerts, with some even offering special discounts and treats for our students. Keilor Central resonated with an atmosphere of happiness and goodwill, showing that music has the power to spread joy far beyond the stage.


Mr Bobby Vasilevski

Performing Arts Leader