Year 12 

Farewell 2023

Year 12 Farewell 2023

The year 12 last week was highly anticipated . The week began with costume day whereby a wide range of characters walked through the college gates. Students posed for several photo opportunities with their peers and classroom teachers. Students signed the traditional year 12 mural that will become a part of the College’s version of the year 12 Wall of Fame.

(Dress Ups)


On the final day, students attended their last day at the college. They were escorted into the college by their mentor group teacher and welcomed by the year 7’s through a guard of honour. With varying emotions of excitement and tears the year 12’s walked to their final assembly reflecting on some of the joyful memories of their time at Taylors Lakes Secondary. There were numerous reflective comments from the year 12 Level Leaders, Sub School Leader, Assistant Principal and College Captains. Students reflected on the year with snapshots of the year that was. As the assembly came to an end students enjoyed a luncheon and music with their peers and teachers. 

(Mural signing)


As the day came to an end, students left the College with a mixture of tears and laughter and with a parting gift from the Year 12 Team.



A special thanks to all those teachers who assisted in the planning and assistance throughout the week, in particular Ms Damon, Ms Tsatalios, Ms Murphy, Mr Charlton, Ms Costanzo, Mr Hudson and Mr. Dedes and all the teachers and ES Staff who supervised students on their final day. We thank you for making this last week a memorable one for all.


Year 12 Senior Sub School

Antoniette Massarotto, Joe Laganga & Melissa Tarquinio