Youth Fest

Youth Fest

On the 18th of July, student leaders from year 8-12 attended Youth Fest. This day was targeted towards student leaders to extend their knowledge and learn about opportunities through info stalls and a panel on mental health. 

The info stalls were the most insightful part of the day. Representatives from various youth organisations spoke to us about what they do, opportunities available for us and gave us resources to further investigate if we were interested. Notable organisations included Headspace, Brimbank Youth and St John’s Ambulance. The non-for-profit organisations involved in volunteering and the health industry were the most beneficial for me as such opportunities are what I’d like to do in the future. 

The stalls were followed by a mental health panel. People of different backgrounds talked about their experiences with mental health and what we as student leaders could do to help those around us and better ourselves as people. 


Debatably the best part of the day was the free food. They had tables full of fruit platters, different types of desserts, sandwiches and more. Additionally, a food truck parked outside the back of the venue. 


Overall, I enjoyed the day and met some amazing people. I discovered opportunities in Melbourne’s west that I never knew existed and had a fun time while doing so. 


Laura Santoro

Year 11 Student Leader