Sports Update

Intermediate Netball 

On Tuesday 8th August our Intermediate Netball girls represented the college in the Intermediate Girls School Champion Cup held at the State Netball Centre.


Unyielding Grit and Remarkable Spirit: Intermediate Girls Netball Team Shines at Elite Netball Victoria School Championships


Amidst the fierce competition, it was the intermediate girls netball team that stole the show with their exceptional spirit and indomitable grit, leaving an indelible mark on the tournament.


The intermediate girls netball team demonstrated an incredible synergy that left spectators and opponents in awe. Their seamless transitions from defence to attack and their ability to read each other's movements on the court highlighted the countless hours of practice they had invested. It was a true reflection of the camaraderie that had been nurtured through their shared passion for the game.


Off the court, the girls' sportsmanship and positive attitude were equally commendable. Their gracious interactions with opponents and officials underscored our college’s values of commitment, safety and respect. Our girls served as role models throughout, thanks to the leadership of our beloved Maddy B. A heartfelt thank you to Emily O for her exceptional dedication and hard work in umpiring six junior matches, contributing to the growth and success of our young athletes.


The story of this remarkable team reminds us of the immeasurable strength that emerges when a group of individuals comes together with a shared goal and an unyielding spirit. The legacy they leave behind is not only a trophy or a title, but an embodiment of the very essence of sportspersonship, determination, and unity.

Celebrating the Mighty Spirit of Our Senior Boys Basketball Team at the School Champions Cup

We are honoured to celebrate the remarkable achievements of our Senior Boys Basketball Team at the recent School Champions Cup at Narrandjeri Stadium. Our team's dedication, bravery, and competitive spirit shone brightly as they faced challenges head-on and emerged as stars. The boys exhibited tremendous commitment to this competition, especially when prepping the groundwork. Their ability to maintain organise this event was truly inspiring.


Big shoutout to Logan K for creating the hype and assembling his squad of troops. And a special mention to Zac M for his determination and dedication on the court. He showed us that greatness is attainable through hard work and a steadfast belief in oneself.

Let us remember that the School Champions Cup is not just about winning a title; it's about embracing the values of camaraderie, sportsmanship, and the pursuit of excellence. 


Our Senior Boys Basketball Team has undoubtedly embodied these values and enriched our school's legacy. Congratulations once again to our extraordinary athletes for their courage, competitive spirit, and unyielding determination.

Life Saving Victoria (LSV) & Brimbank Council Pilot Program 

A new initiative funded by LSV has allowed our Year 11 VCE VM students to embark on a highly rewarding journey. The pilot program's primary goals are to expand the local Aquatic Centre workforce and offer our students part-time employment with the potential for LSV statewide expansion based on our involvement. Our students have invested over 20 hours of both theory and practical experience to receive their full qualification.

Lajos Kozak

School Sports Leader