Student Writer

Taylors Lakes Secondary College STUDENT WRITER Frances Uybarreta

Frances is a highly talented writer who has continued to build her skills in producing literature to engage audiences. She has skill in fiction and factual writing. We wish Frances all the best in her entry into the creative writing competition and congratulate her on her initiative and placing as a finalist in the Melton City Libraries Short Story Competition. She will find out later in September if she wins the overall prize. 

Read on to hear from Frances as she encourages future writers to participate in this and other writing competitions and opportunities. 

I entered in the Melton City Libraries Short Story Competition. I was eligible to enter as I am living in the City of Melton. I did not know of it until my brother brought home a flyer about it from his primary school and I decided to enter.


 Our submissions were allowed to be in multiple forms, such as a written piece (maximum 1500 words for under 18 years), a video (maximum of 5 mins), a graphic novel etc. It started from the 1st of May and ended on midnight of the 14th of July.  I entered in a written piece called ‘THE MISSING HALF’ and it’s inspired by The Manananggal in Filipino Mythology. It is a horror story where the character attempts to kill off the Manananggal from their neighbourhood but are faced with many difficulties throughout the night. 


I’m really proud that I have been nominated as a finalist for the competition. Honestly, I would not mind if I did not win any of the prize money; to me it’s an honor just having my writing recognised by other authors. 


Other writers who live in the City of Melton should also try out for the competition in the upcoming years too! (link about the competition and I have also sent you the document of my complete story)


Elizabeth Green

Instructional and High Abilities Practice Leader