The Sky’s the Limit, Ladies!!!

Have you heard of the Girls in Aerospace & Defence STEM program? If not, and you are a young lady it is worth checking out. This program is run by RMIT University and in 2023 it took place in the Term 2 holidays (from the 3rd to the 7th July). The main purpose of this program is to educate girls who are interested in topics like Aerospace and Aviation.


Sareya Hassan took advantage of this great opportunity this year, and the things she learned would make Dr. Suess envious. Would you like to learn how to build aeroplanes? Do you want to know the intricacies of the controls of an aeroplane? Are you keen to race drones? Maybe you have thought about flight school? Sareya was lucky enough to experience all this and more!


Not only did Sareya have a ball, but on the last day, when all the students were tasked with building their own planes – using Styrofoam, glue tack, rubber bands, sticks and anything else that might keep a craft airborne – there was a competition as to which plane could clock the most flight hours (make that minutes). And you guessed it, Sareya won!

Congratulations Sareya. 

Sareya’s advice to girls at UHS is ‘to go for it’, especially if you are interested in STEM and Aviation. As she said, “It was an amazing experience.”


Carmel Young - Year 9 Gulam Coordinator/Learning Specialist - EAL