Musical Production 2023: Little Shop of Horrors – Broadway Revival

Term Three hosted University High School’s 2023 production Little Shop of Horrors, the culmination of some many months of work, at Clocktower Centre, Moonee Ponds, for three performances. A show about a murderous, blood-lusting alien-plant, who manipulates our protagonist into doing his bidding in his quest for world-domination, Little Shop of Horrors proved the perfect mix of horror and fun for our team, and provided interesting and enriching challenges for cast, crew, and band alike. 

Year 7 students, who had been studying Musical Theatre in their music classes, and in particular the show itself, were treated to a special private matinee viewing of the production on Friday 11th August. And in a first for both Uni High and musicals held at Clocktower, one of the performances featured Auslan interpretation, a wonderful addition to increase accessibility to the arts.


Some other highlights of the production included having the opportunity to work with a range of puppets, one of whom ‘ate’ several cast members during the show; the large and rather striking moveable set, and, as with every production, watching students involved in all areas of production develop their skills and grow in ability and confidence throughout the process.

While it is both the on and off-stage aspects of any show that make these yearly productions so worthwhile, the profound knowledge and skill developed through this process is certainly not limited to that directly associated with the craft of acting, singing, dancing, building, painting, operating equipment or playing an instrument. What is so evident here is the importance and benefit of the sense of community that productions create; the cross-year level collaboration and teamwork, the resilience and dedication, and the sense of belonging that has students returning year after year (sometimes even after they graduate!).

It is such a privilege to work alongside talented and dedicated staff and students, driven by a passion for their craft. Everyone involved in Little Shop, 2023 should be so proud of what we accomplished as a team. 


Kate O’Callaghan - Production Manager & Director