2023 Game Jam

After the triumph of 2022’s Game Jam run by the Game Development Club, 2023 saw an escalation in talent as a bunch of new Game Makers in Year 7 joined our club and entered the Competition. Our guest judge, Arlo Haughey, a student from RMIT’s Game Development course, was delighted and terrified at the design skills of the Uni High competitors. Whilst he marvelled at the quality of the submissions, he also shuddered to think that these talented young people were hot on his tail as a Game Maker. Arlo took us through the pleasures of all the games that he judged, commenting on the eerie beauty of Jasper Siminato’s (Year 10) art work in his game, ‘Heart of Steam’; 

and the efficiency of Benjamin Hunyh’s (Year 7) design for ‘Out of Control’. The madcap brilliance of Ben Grey and Harry Sprigg’s (Year 8)  game, ‘Demented Deliveries’, won Runner Up.

Honey Raut (Year 11) won the coveted First Prize FOR THE SECOND YEAR IN A ROW and Arlo declared her game ‘addictive’ and something that he’ wanted to keep on playing’. Can Honey maintain her winning streak into 2024?!

Honey and Arlo celebrating Honey’s win.
Honey and Arlo celebrating Honey’s win.
Harry, Ben and Arlo share the joy before eating more donuts (note in the left hand corner!)
Harry, Ben and Arlo share the joy before eating more donuts (note in the left hand corner!)

To test out these mighty games go to Itch.io and watch out for the inaugural University High Game Exhibition and Archive to be launched next term.


Bridget Costelloe - English and Literature Teacher