Which Water Is Best?

Mr Brown’s 7C2 and 7J2 students experimented with tap and bottled water as part of their ‘Water in the World’ unit of Geography. Eight different brands of water were set up for the students to try: from Uni High tap water and Coles brand still water to San Pellegrino Sparkling water and even an Australian volcanic-filtered still water. Could students tell the difference between low-cost and expensive brands of water in a blind taste-test? The short answer? NO! 


For most students their favourite ended up being our lovely UHS tap water! However, the bottles of San Pellegrino sparkling did disappear quite quickly. What didn’t the students like? Well, to quote Anna Van, the $6 per litre Wallaby ‘volcanic filtered’ canned still water “tasted like dirt!” Apparently, expensive water doesn’t necessarily mean great taste for our Year 7s. Furthermore, Poppy Hill (pictured) really didn’t like the taste of sparkling water. Check out those before and after shots! 

Our students have learned a valuable life-lesson: tap water is cheap and tastes great!


Gordon Brown - Head of Humanities