Science Week - Overview

This year’s Science Week was bigger than ever, as we hosted a series of educational and engaging events in collaboration with the broader scientific community. We started off the week with the Dark Matter excursion at GTAC. On the following day, students had the opportunity to experience various virtual adventures using state-of-the-art virtual reality (VR) headsets. A number of students also visited the Bionics Institute and their laboratory at the St Vincent’s Hospital to learn about the latest medical device development that would help children with hearing difficulties. In line with this year’s Science Week theme – Innovation: Powering Future Industries, a large group of students visited the Exciton Science Centre and the Science Gallery, where they learned about the latest scientific innovations developed by researchers at the University of Melbourne. The week ended with the popular Science Trivia for VCE students. Moreover, many students participated in various competitions, such as Riddles, 2D and 3D Artwork Competition and Paper Bridge Competition.  

More information about Science Week can be found at


The Science Week Committee consisted of Iman Ali, Shamila Rajaratne, Luke Coleman, Teresa Attley, Ruairi Berryman, Elissa Mertens, Sarah Cashin, Veronica Campello-Castro, Paul Cuthbert and Mardon Elian. 


Mardon Elian - Head of Science