VCE Extended Investigation Research Project

Jasper Raine-Brown’s Research Project in the Unit 3/4 subject Extended Investigation has generated a bit of buzz in EBS due its potentially ground-breaking findings which detail how aluminium-silicon exchange mechanisms may hold significant promise for the future development of novel superconducting devices. Jasper has concluded that the ability to fabricate smaller aluminium nanowires, paired with the reliable production of metal-semiconductor junctions, would have the potential to revolutionise nanoelectronics, superconducting, and quantum devices, enabling novel functions and unprecedented capabilities in emerging technologies.


Dan Arnott, an Extended Investigation teacher, has the following reflections on working with Jasper throughout his research journey this year:


"As an English and Humanities teacher, when Jasper told me his plans for his EI project, I don’t think I comprehended how a Year 11 student could pull something like this off. Experimenting with the manufacturing process of nanowires for potential advancements in quantum computing?!? Crazy! But Jasper used his networks to connect with leading professors in the field and was able to gain access to highly specialist machinery to conduct what is exciting and cutting-edge research. Dealing with challenges and setbacks, Jasper adapted and problem-solved to create a truly remarkable report. I was so glad to be able to help Jasper communicate his findings - he was able to adapt his language to make his research make sense to someone like me - a challenging task in itself! Jasper’s passion for physics is infectious, and I’m excited to see where this passion takes him."


Please see a summary of Jasper’s research and conclusions on his research poster. Jasper would like to acknowledge that the poster, however, by its nature leaves out a lot of important detail. 

So, for those interested, here is a link to his full research report: 


Trent Ogden - Head of Inquiry Learning

Jasper Raine-Brown - Year 11 EBS student