From the Chaplaincy

“… self-denial, sincerity, Christianity, and persistence alone win the prize, as they usually do in every department of life.” - Mary Baker Eddy.
Persistence is a quality valued at Huntingtower. Currently our prayers are with our Principal, Andrew, and we will be steadfast and persistent till his true self, as a whole and upright reflection of God, Good, is revealed.
We should encourage students to never give up, move forward with persistence, and don’t let anyone take their dreams away.
A lovely example was when a student (not at Huntingtower) was asked to write an essay on what he wanted to be when he grew up. The student wrote a beautiful story about how one day he wanted to own his own ranch, but when he got the essay back it was marked with an "F." When he asked why, the teacher said it wasn't a realistic goal as his family was itinerant with no money or resources. The teacher said he could rewrite the essay with a more realistic attitude.
After several days, the student brought the paper back to his teacher without any changes.
He said, “Keep the F and I will keep my dream.” He now owns a 200-acre horse ranch and a 4,000-square-foot house, where he displays his school paper framed over the fireplace.
Mary Baker Eddy adds “Whatever good goals you fill your consciousness with, they will eventually be achieved with discipline and perseverance – be it health, happiness, study, employment or relationships.”
And while thinking of Andrew we can recall two quotes:
“Fall seven times and stand up eight.” – Japanese Proverb
"You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
- Winne the Pooh, AA Milne.
From the Chaplaincy