Hi All,
Semester 2 is nearly over, only 3 weeks til September holidays, where are P&F this term:
’39 Steps’ Candy Bar:
Thank you to all who supported the ‘39 Steps’ Candy Bar. We had a busy time feeding the masses at intermission of all 4 shows. Thanks to all who brought gold coins and small notes. This makes things so much easier for all involved. We raised about $800. We will allocate this at the next P&F meeting and I will update you in the next Bulletin.
Fathers Day Breakfast:
As mentioned in the last Bulletin, the Inaugural Fathers Day breakfast for the Junior School dads and kids will be held on 1 September. Junior School Dads, click on the link and book your brekkie if you haven’t already. Preorders only, no sales on the day to ensure we cater correctly. Brekkie will be served from 07:30 to 8:15. The Junior School Council will again be called upon to choose a male based charity to donate the funds raised at this event to. Hope to see you there.
Orders close Monday: https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1060719
Footy Finals Pie Drive:
Coming up to Footy Finals in September is always a great time on the Melbourne Calendar. The P&F are teaming up this year with ‘Emerald Village Bakery’ to bring you some delicious family pies. We are at Half Time on the Pie Drive. Sales must close 5th September to allow delivery. So start planning your Footy Finals parties and order some Pies to feed the crowd. The President visited the bakery and as a ‘pie afficionado’, he says the bakery is kicking goals. https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1079310
Keep an eye on HT Connect where we will update you all on everything P&F including details of our Christmas Carols scheduled for the evening of 1st December.
Stay safe, keep warm and we hope to see your smiles around the school soon.
Named Pavers:
Much appreciation and thanks to those parents and students who “left their mark” by purchasing a named paver in the last campaign.
Over 100 new pavers have been installed in the forecourt outside the Middle Years Centre. We so appreciate our giving community.
From the HT P&F Committee