From the Acting Principal

We are all ok.
As Andrew Houghton, our much loved Principal, takes the time to recover, our School life at Huntingtower continues to thrive.
This past month we have all shared in the magnificence of the Senior School Production: The 39 Steps and are eagerly looking forward to our Junior School performance of the musical Cats. This promises to be an occasion of fun, laughter and kitty cat antics and I invite everyone to come along for an entertaining night.
Last week we celebrated Mather week where funds were raised for Orange Sky Showers, we had 5 Teams represent the school at the Tournament of Minds competition and the Debating season continues to hum. Huntingtower is a place where the spirits lift. I invite you next time you are on campus, be it for pick up, drop off, attending one of the many student activities or just waiting in the car, to take a moment to enjoy our beautiful surrounds and the energy around you.
In the words of Psalm 19 1-4
The heavens keep telling the wonders of God,
and the skies declare what he has done.
Each day informs the following day;
Each night announces the next.
They don’t speak a word,
and there is never the sound of a voice.
Yet their message reaches all the earth,
and it travels around the world.
Life is a wonder. It is evident not only in all that we have, but also in what we do. The continual expressions of thankfulness, friendship and fun are evidence of this. Words cannot capture these things, but the sentiment can be felt and shared.
Thank you for being part of this community. For being a link in our School family and part of the many special connections that embrace and protect us all.
Mrs Shan Christensen
Acting Principal