Classroom Update


There have been many exciting things happening in the grade 1/2 area this term!

Each day begins with our 2 hour literacy block. During this time the children engage in their Sounds-Write program. It has been very pleasing to see such great progress with the student’s reading, spelling & writing.



Also during literacy, the students focus on a weekly mentor text. This term we have been learning about the Aboriginal culture & studying many Dreamtime stories such as ‘The Rainbow Serpent’ & ‘Tiddalick The Frog’. 


During this term’s maths lessons we have been developing our ability to read, write, model and order numbers as well as developing strategies to solve both addition and subtraction problems. The children are currently beginning the next maths topic which is learning how to read both analogue & digital clocks.



Throughout our RE classes, the students have been learning about Jesus’ mission of showing love and care for others. We have also linked this theme to well known children’s picture story books such as ‘Whoever You Are’ & ‘The Rainbow Fish’.


We recently celebrated book week. The children enjoyed listening to many of the 2023 shortlisted stories. They had fun taking part in activities related to the shortlisted books. 

1/2 HB loved the story ‘Bev & Kev’ written by Katrina Germein. This story was about learning to love yourself & the value of a true friend.


It has been pleasing to see so many of our students reading at home with their families & bringing their reader bags to school each day - thank you for your support in this area.


As we move closer to the end of term, we continue to enjoy watching the children’s progress at school. 


Have a great week!


Corena Bennett & Kate Hutchinson