Principal's Message

Mrs. Cassie Lynch

Principal's Report

Dear Families & Carers,


We are having a tremendous week here at Our Lady's Primary School, fresh off the back of book week! Thank you to all parents who were able to come along to our annual parade on Friday morning. The students had a great time dressing up as their favourite book characters.



At Our Lady's, we love getting extra support from families at school. If you are wishing to volunteer at the school, you do require a current Working with Children Check as well as completing a volunteer application form. We do this because our top priority is keeping our children safe within our environment. If you do wish to volunteer at any point in the future, our new process will be required. Pop into the office and ask for your paperwork - the process is simple and it just helps us ensure we have the best possible volunteers working with our most valuable resource, our students. Thank you to all our volunteers who have taken this new process in their stride!


During our Assembly on Monday we celebrated our 'Student of the Week' for each classroom. Congratulations to the following students:


Foundation: Kelsey

Grade 1/2NH: Olive C (not pictured)

Grade 1/2BH: Luke

Grade 3/4WY: Miles

Grade 4/5G: Stephanie

Grade 5/6G: James



Congratulations to Dom (Grade 1/2NH) for taking out the Class DoJo raffle at Assembly also. It is great to see so many families now on the Class DoJo app. If you haven't made your way there yet, now is the time to check it out. 


The weather is now becoming sunnier which is a great reminder that hats are now required. Any day when the UV rays reach above a certain level, hats are necessary. Over the next few weeks we will remind students that hats are now required on some days and at some break times. The Sun Smart website has all the information you need to know to protect your skin. Today hats were required for both breaks.



Please save the date for our Father's Day Afternoon Tea to be held on Monday the 4th of September at 2.30pm. We would love to see you all there!



On Friday the 8th of September, our Grade 3-6 students will join together with St. Patrick's Primary School for our annual athletics carnival. We are praying for blue skies as this will be the first time since COVID that our students have competed in this event. Mrs. Kirby has been busily preparing students for this event in Physical Education classes. All parents are welcome to attend this event. Permission forms have been sent home today. 



As part of our ongoing commitment to indigenous education, our students in Grade 3-6 will be heading to Winton Wetlands for a day of hands on learning. This day will be facilitated by indigenous staff who will teach our students about the land and local aboriginal culture. Our students are very excited for the opportunity! Our F/1/2 classes will also get to participate in a similar day in Term 4. 



We are fortunate enough to have Christine from Our Lady's Parish to take a group of our Grade 3 students through the preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. As a school, we will be attending the ceremony to witness this important step in the sacramental life of our students. Please pray for Connor, Kristopher, Maddy, Charlotte and Tom as they prepare for this special time. The Sacrament of Reconciliation ceremony will be held on Friday the 15th of September at 11.45am in the Our Lady's Church. Thank you to Mrs. Malcolm for organising this event. 





Cassie Lynch