
Mrs Robyn Wilson - MaST - Mathematics Specialised Teacher

Maths is FUN!!!

The bell rings, you tell students to take out their math work, and then...groans of disappointment. Well not at our school. Our students love maths and this is why. We make maths fun, hands on and real. There are many ways that we as teachers make the maths lessons engaging and fun for our kids. You can do it at home too.

Here are some ways:

1. Make It Hands-On

The hands-on maths approach is the idea that students need to feel and touch what their learning through a concrete learning experience before they are exposed to more of the abstract learning that takes place when students solve equations.

Below is some photos of the Stage 2 class building towers that are 1 metre tall. First they had to make the tower stand up which was interesting to see how they did that, then they had to estimate what they thought a metre looked like.

2. Use Picture Books

Picture books provide enjoyable and meaningful contexts to explore mathematical content and concepts. They also provide rich opportunities to promote reasoning, ask questions and engage the children in discussions that extend mathematical thinking and understanding. 

Miss Pilgrim uses picture books a lot in her room. See below

3. Ask Interesting Maths Questions

Good questioning techniques have long being regarded as a fundamental tool of effective teachers. Mrs Wilson asked Stage 2 the question 'How can we compare the heights of various dinosaurs? How can we see how tall they really were?'. The discussion that comes from these types of questions is so valuable.

Below is some photos of Stage 2 finding out the height of some dinosaurs and measuring them with a trundle wheel and a metre ruler.