Student Awards - Term 4

October "Leave A Trail "
FOUNDATION B - Olive B for having such an awesome day at the farm and for demonstrating that everyone can be brave.
FOUNDATION B - Norah A for her positive attitude and her “can do” attitude to learning. A great student in our class.
FOUNDATION G - Indi P for engaging in the Chesterfield Farm excursion with great curiosity, by eagerly exploring and wanting to learn more. Well done, Indi!
FOUNDATION G - Lucas K for sharing his creative abilities with the class and working really hard with his reading. Well done, Lucas!
FOUNDATION L - Aarna P for fully embracing the excursion experience, from milking the cow to feeding the animals and sharing meaningful connections along the way.
FOUNDATION L - Callie Y for showing determination and doing her best thinking to solve tangram puzzles.
YEAR 1/2E - Federico N for taking a leading role when working with a partner and displaying commitment to finishing the task.
YEAR 1/2E - Moksh D for always asking lots of questions to make connections with his prior knowledge and extend his understanding of new concepts.
YEAR 1/2PH - Georgina S for doing extra work at home to help her understand fractions we are doing at school.
YEAR 1/2PH - Eve T for caring for her friends and making sure they are included.
YEAR 1/2D - Oliver N for displaying initiative to commence tasks independently and seeking teacher assistance as needed.
YEAR 1/2D - Ryder A for being displaying maturity and leadership skills in the classroom. Well done!!
YEAR 1/2K - Annabeth W for inquisitively participating in Religious Education, your insights on the Eucharist demonstrate your understanding of the Sacrament.
YEAR 1/2K - Darek C for taking control of your learning, especially during writing sessions. Well done Darek!
YEAR 1/2M - Marcus B for being a focused and responsible learner in our classroom. Thank you for being a role model for your peers. Well done, Marcus!
YEAR 1/2M - Sefam C for showing initiative when commencing and completing her writing tasks. Well done, Sefam!
YEAR 1/2FM - Violet P for being inquisitive and asking questions about her learning. Well done Violet! You are a Superstar! ⭐
YEAR 1/2FM - Annabel A for her continued positive attitude towards learning and being a leader by setting a good example with her behaviour. Well done Annabel, You are a superstar! ⭐
YEAR 3/4B - Lucas R for reading so beautifully at your First Communion mass. Well done Lucas.
YEAR 3/4C - Mali K for setting a good example for her peers and applying herself in all areas. Keep it up Mali!
YEAR 3/4KC - Ryan T for taking on his role as Junior Assistant Mayor with great enthusiasm and commitment. Great job Ryan !
YEAR 3/4KC - Alita K for always showing great consideration and manners towards her classmates and teachers. You are a wonderful role model Alita!
YEAR 3/4M - Nina M for being a respectful member of 3/4M. You are a respectful partner and you are always there to help out. Thank you Nina!
YEAR 3/4M - James M for sharing his thoughtful insights and ideas and for supporting and encouraging his peers.
YEAR 3/4S - Melody X for showing initiative in being helpful and welcoming Miss D in her first week at St. Marks.
YEAR 5/6K - Kenny N for your incredible efforts at camp. For being a caring, respectful member of the class who cares for others. Well done, Kenny!
YEAR 5/6K - Leo M for leading by example within the classroom and outside. For showing respect to others, being kind, caring and pushing yourself to achieve your best. Well done, Leo!
YEAR 5/6MV - Zara D for being such a positive, fun and mature student on our Year 5 camp. We had a blast with you Zara - you made camp such a fun experience for everyone!
YEAR 5/6MV - Juliette M for always leading by example and trying your hardest to be the best learner you can be. You are so diligent Juliette, we are so impressed by your work ethic. You’re an amazing role model!
YEAR 5/6R - Bella Y for confidently stepping out of her comfort zone whilst participating on camp, interacting with others.
YEAR 5/6S - Ruby H for displaying a positive attitude to all learning activities and bringing a spirit of joy to our classroom. 😊