R.E. News

Religious Education Dates for 2024
Whole School Mass/Events
- Monday 11th November - Remembrance Day service at 10:55am
- Thursday 12th December - Year 6 Graduation at 6pm
- Friday 13th December - End of School Mass at 9am
Children’s Liturgy
The reintroduction of Children's Liturgy at St Mark's Church is up and running and looking for more volunteers!
The Children's Liturgy provides a great opportunity for primary aged children to engage with the gospel in a way that is accessible and meaningful to them. It runs every Sunday at the St Mark's 9:30am mass during school terms. At the start of mass the Children’s Liturgy adult leaders take the primary school age children into the hall for a small lesson and activity about the gospel of the day. Parents are welcome to join the session if they would like. If any parents are interested in volunteering to help with the Sunday sessions, please email Andrew Davies - andrew@smdingley.catholic.edu.au
Gospel Reflection by Dianne Bergant CSA
If we are honest we will have to admit that though we have died with Christ to sin and risen with him to new life, we do not fully die to sin. In fact, there are many times in our lives when we live in sin, when we actually cling to sin. What happens to those who die in such a state? They may not have turned completely away from the goodness of God, but they have not been faithful either. The remnants of sin cling to them, making them somewhat unfit to stand before the face of God. Are they lost? Or are they saved?
In God there is mercy in abundance. Jesus is not willing to lose anyone. Therefore, the power of Jesus and the strength of his promises give us hope that even after death there is the possibility of purification and pardon. We have no idea of when this might happen or how it will happen. All we know is that the lovingkindness of God far surpasses any infidelity of which we might be guilty.
The feast of All Souls is not a feast of sadness, but one of great hope and confidence. It invites us to entrust our dead to God, because we know that they are really God’s dead. We know that if we have loved them, God has loved them more. They are in God’s care, and like a good shepherd God will lead them to peace.
Sacrament of Eucharist
Congratulations to the following children that made their First Communion on the weekend.
Quade, Charlotte, Max, Shenan, Marcus, Nina, Jemma, Henry, Levi, Josie, Jaden, Keegan, Lucas, Jordan, Brayden, Ethan, Jonathan, Bosco, Summer, Ethan, Hieu Trung, Christian, Milena,Gabriella, Leon, Conrad,Giselle,Savannah, Jayden, Morgan, Zayden, Ayla, Natalia, Gabriel.
We pray for Ayden and Mason who will be making their First Communion in the coming weeks.
Blessing of the Animals Thank you to Br Louis and all the families for bringing along their pets to receive a blessing. It was wonderful to see so many pets of all shapes and sizes.
World Mission Day Thank you to all the children that donated a gold coin last Friday to World MIssion Day. Wew raised over $400 which will be sent to Mission Australian Thank you again | ||||