School Advisory Council

Our School Advisory Council met on 29th October and discussed the following topics:
- MACS new Code of Conduct that will be rolled out across all schools by March 2025.
- Development of the new Religious Education Curriculum for all MACS schools - no timeline for this as yet
- New options for principalship models being presented by MACS
- MACSeye (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools Early Years Education) inception. MACSeye will be responsible for the running of all Catholic primary schools out of school hours care programs and commence the work of setting up kindergartens on some school sites
- The development of a MACS Cybersafety team to support schools.
- MACS Vision for Instruction and Vision for Engagement documents
- MACS budgeting decisions for 2025
Our final meeting for the year will be held on 26th November at 7.30 p.m. in the staffroom.