Uncoming Event and Important Information

Monday 28th to Wednesday 30 October
Group 1 Year 3A, F, G, I & 4A, G, H, F Sunnystone Camp
Wednesday 30th October to Friday 1st November
Group 2 Year 3A, B, C, D, E, H, J & 4B, C, D, E Sunnystone Camp
Thursday 31st October
Bring Your Own Device (Laptop) Program, online via WebEx on the 31st October at 6:30pm. The link for the evening is: https://eduvic.webex.com/meet/de.bono.jessica.j
The room will open at 6:25pm for a 6:30pm start. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
Monday 4th November
A reminder that there will be a student free day on Monday 4th November.
Staff will be undertaking professional learning across the day as part of their Professional Practice requirements. The office will be closed.
Students will return to school on Wednesday 6th November, after the Melbourne Cup public holiday.
Thursday 7th November
Year 4A, B, C ,E Wyndham Park Excursion Consent and Payment due Wednesday 23rd October
Monday 11th to Wednesday 13th November
Group 3 Year 4B, C, D, E, & 5F, G Sunnystone Camp
Tuesday 12th November
Year 2 Werribee Mansion Excursion Consent and Payment due Monday 28th October
Wednesday 13th to Friday 15th November
Group 4 Year 5A, B, C, D, E Sunnystone Camp
Thursday 14th November
Prep Breakfast Consent and Payment due Wednesday 6th November
Prep to Year 2 Kaboom Kids Sports Consent and payment due Thursday 31st October