Administration News

PH: 8560 6079
Term 1- 31 January to 28 March
Term 2- 15 April to 28 June
Term 3-15 July to 20 September
Term 4- 7 October to 20 December
Term 1 - 29th January to 4th April
Term 2 - 22nd April to 4th July
Term 3- 21st July to 19th September
Term 4 - 6th October to 19th December
2024 Curruculum Day
Student Free Day - Monday 4th November
A reminder that there will be a student free day on Monday 4th November. Staff will be undertaking professional learning across the day as part of their Professional Practice requirements. The office will be closed.
2025 Curruculum Days
Term 1
1st Curriculum Day- Tuesday 28th Jan
2nd Curriculum Day- Wednesday 29th Jan
Term 2
3rd Curriculum Day- Tuesday 22nd April (1st day Term 2)
Term 3
4th Curriculum day in Term 3 to be determined
Term 4
5th Curriculum day - Monday 3rd November (Professional Practice Day)
2024 End of Term Finish Times
Term 1 – 28th March 1:15pm
Term 2 – 28th June 1:00pm
Term 3 – 20th September 1:00pm
Term 4 – 20th December 12:30pm
Session 1 starts at 8.40am
This is a friendly reminder, for students and parents, that session 1 begins at 8:40am.
As a staff, we routinely review attendance data. We will be looking at this data in the next few weeks and contacting families where students are consistently late to class, particularly in the morning.
If you have any questions regarding this, please contact the home group teacher.
Just a reminder to all families that it is compulsory for students to wear a hat outside during break times. The weather has started to improve, and the sun has been shining.Even on overcast days during spring and summer, students are expected to wear hats as protection against the UV rays but also because routine helps build good habits and we want the children to make good choices about protecting themselves. Please ensure that your child has a hat at school. Teachers will be reminding them.
Thank you for your support in this matter.
It is almost time for our Library stocktake!
We have more than 2500 library books that are currently overdue. Please check to see if you have any of our library books at home. If so, please return as soon as possible to Kelly in library?
2025 BYOD Information Evening - Online
Evening Parents and Families,
We will hold an information evening outlining our Bring Your Own Device (Laptop) Program, online via WebEx on the 31st October at 6:30pm. The session will include information on the purpose of our program, how it supports curriculum, the specifications for devices and digital safety considerations for home and school.
Kevin Yep from Learning with Technologies will explain their web portal, the devices on offer from their company and the aftermarket care that comes as part of their package. There will be time afterwards for a quick Q and A. The presentation will be recorded for those families who are not able to attend and would like to watch it at a later stage.
The link for the evening is:
The room will open at 6:25pm for a 6:30pm start. Looking forward to seeing you all there.
Change of clothes:
If your child is in Prep, or is prone to having “accidents”, please leave a change of clothes in their bag as the school has very little spare uniform to be able to supply a change.
Please note it is imperative you use compass as all school communications are sent through this platform. It's a good idea to get into the habit of checking your notifications in compass each morning. This will ensure you do not miss anything. For assistance with navigating the Compass app, refer to our dedicated Compass page later in this newsletter.
Choose your preferred family language for our Newsletter
Families can choose their preferred language to read our newsletter. Scroll down to the bottom of any page to see the 'select language' drop down box. Click on the arrow and choose your language!
Discover how to get the most from your Compass Parent Portal
This FAQ will answer any questions you might have about how Compass works and guide you to getting the most from your Parent Portal.
Uniform - Buy, Swap, Sell
Dohertys Creek College BSS uniform page
Lost Property:
We always aim to return what we can but often when items are unnamed, they are added and remain to the ever increasing lost property pile.
We hope to reunite as many items as possible with their rightful owners. If you think your child may have misplaced anything at the school, please take a moment to look through the wooden create located in the library entrance.
Please LABEL your children's belongings!
We have an enormous amount of lost property that was not labelled. Please make sure that all of your child’s uniform is labelled with their FULL NAME, as well as their lunch boxes, drink bottles etc, so that we can ensure that the lost hats, jackets, jumpers are returned to their rightful owners.
If you have already labelled these items, it is also a good idea to check that they are still legible, as a lot of them have faded or smudged in the wash, making it difficult to identify them.
Annual privacy reminder for 2024
Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy.
Please take time to remind yourself of our school’s collection notice, found on our website to your school’s collection notice. For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents.
This information is also available in ten community languages:
* Amharic * Arabic * Dari * Gujarati * Mandarin
* Somali * Sudanese * Turkish * Urdu
* Vietnamese.