A message from Tami -Jo

Welcome back to the last term of the year. I think this is the busiest though they are all busy. The students have been settled and working hard.
Stay Lates
This term we have had our two Year 1 Stay late evenings. The students had a variety of activities and also had dinner together at school. They really enjoyed their pizza. The students had a jumping castle and participated in bracelet making, Lego construction, hat making and a disco! It was wonderful to watch.
This week we have had the first of our Year 3/4/5 camps at Sunnystones Camps. They will be running this week and then again, the week of the 11th November. The students will be joining in a number of activities hut building, survival games, night walks, bushwalking, archery bush art, canoeing, geocaching and a disco! A huge thank you to the staff attending the camps; I am sure that fun will be had by all!
School Council
We had our October School Council meeting last week. We are excited that SC decided to continue working with our current provider, OSCH Club, who have been providing such a high quality program.
We discussed our staffing needs for next year and how we have been consistently and steadily filling the positions needed. We also discussed a number of facilities projects including a tiny town play area for our younger students and a sensory garden.
We are grateful that our school council parent members provide us with feedback from the community which we discuss and then look to see how we can action where possible.
Parent Payments
We appreciate your ongoing support of our school community. Voluntary parent payments play a crucial role in enhancing our programs and resources, allowing us to provide a better educational experience for all our students.
Your contributions help us maintain and improve school facilities, support extracurricular activities, and ensure that every child has access to the best possible learning opportunities.
We encourage you to make a voluntary payment. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference in helping our school run efficiently and effectively.
Information about parent payments for 2025 will be going out this week. The cost will be remaining the same as it has been for the past two years as we recognise that families have a lot of costs to consider.
Students and leadership are currently preparing for our first Year 9 graduation ceremony. There is a lot of excitement going on behind the scenes as they put together the ceremony and disco afterwards.
Year 9 Graduation information for the evening:
- The ceremony will be held in the school gym.
- Dress code for the event is semi-formal.
- The event runs from 5.30pm-7.30pm
.- Students and families are welcome to enter from 5.15pm so that we can make a prompt start
- Parents are invited for the first hour of the ceremony (5.30-6.30pm), where awards will be presented. - The second hour of the ceremony will be students-only festivities (supervised by staff).
- At 7.25pm, families are invited back to the gym to collect their child and depart.
Whilst our Year 6 students do not have a formal graduation ceremony. There are a number of activities to mark the end of their primary school. They have had Year 6 shirts this year; are ending the year by visiting Adventure Park; holding an end of year assembly for the Year 6 students and families followed by a morning tea and Year 7 Information session.
End of Year Preparations
At the end of the year, you will be invited to the end of year celebration assemblies where the students will perform for you. Their performances will be a reflection of some of the work that they have completed in Performing Arts this year.
Teachers have begun the processes for transition, 2025 classes, assessment and reporting. Term 4 is a very busy term with everyone focussing on finishing the year but having to simultaneously prepare for the following one.
Teachers’ Day
Thank you to all those families who took the time to thank the teachers for their work last week. There were many happy faces as they read hand written notes of thanks and appreciation from the students and families. To know that their hard work is appreciated means a lot.
Student Free Day- Monday 4th November
There will be no students at school on Monday 4th November as this is a student free day. All teachers are entitled to a professional practice day as part of their EBA. The following day is Melbourne Cup Day which is a public holiday and then the children return to school on Wednesday 6th November.
I hope you have been enjoying the longer days and some sunshine- we certainly have. Take care and we look forward to seeing you at some of our events later in the term.