Year 2 Term 4 Overviews

Dear Year 2 Families,
Welcome back to school for Term 4, the last term of Year 2! We are very proud of what students have achieved this year and we are excited to finish off the year.
This term, Year 2 students will focus on making connections and comparing texts within the same genre, including both fiction and non-fiction. They will explore various types of fiction, such as realistic stories, traditional literature (like folktales, fairy tales, and fables), fantasy, and special genres such as mystery, sports, school stories, animal tales, and humorous texts. Students will learn to identify and summarize key information in fiction, discussing the lessons learned from characters, inferring reasons for their changes, and considering the messages the author conveys. They will practice searching for information at the paragraph, sentence, phrase, and word levels.
This term, Year 2 students will focus on understanding their identity as writers by learning how to create narratives that entertain and convey messages to their audience. They will explore the key elements of a narrative, including settings, characters, problems and solutions. Using their Writer’s Notebook, students will collect and refine their ideas, nurturing their love for writing. Students will also continue to practice crafting well-structured sentences, experimenting with adjectives, noun groups, various punctuation and correct letter formation. Students will be investigating different sound and spelling patterns through Phonological Awareness activities.
In Year 2 numeracy, students will deepen their understanding of place value by creating and exploring number sequences and solving addition and subtraction problems using various strategies. They will also learn to recognize and represent multiplication and division through different multiplicative approaches, including repeated addition, grouping, and arrays. Additionally, students will investigate fractions by dividing collections and shapes into halves, quarters, and eighths. Year 2 students will focus on several key areas, including measuring length, capacity, mass, fractions, multiplicative thinking, and reviewing what they've learned throughout the year. While studying capacity, students will specifically learn how to measure using common informal units like unifix blocks or cups of sand.
Units of Inquiry: Social Responsibility
This term students will be inquiring into their social responsibility in the community. Developing a deep understanding of significant people and places within the community and how these have changed over time. To build an understanding on the 11th of November, the Year 2 students will be going on an excursion to The Werribee Mansion as part of our Units of Inquiry. This excursion compares the lifestyle, work, social customs, and etiquette of communities past and present. The mansion, its resident family, and its servant staff represent the lifestyle of many people of the 19th century. Students can explore the different lives of the former residents of the mansion and compare and contrast their lives based on their social position and status in society. If you would like your child to participate in this, please refer to Compass and have your payment in by Monday the 28th of October.
We look forward to creating this memorable experience with the year two students!