Teaching and Learning News

Daily Reviews in Maths: Building Strong Foundations
We have recently introduced Daily Reviews in Maths to help strengthen our students' understanding and retention of mathematical concepts. This approach is based on research into how learning happens in the brain and aims to support students in transferring what they learn into their long-term memory.
What is a Daily Review?
A Daily Review is a short, focused activity that revisits key maths concepts and skills that students have previously learned. It usually takes place at the beginning of a Maths lesson and includes a mix of questions covering topics taught in previous lessons, weeks, or even terms. The aim is to ensure that students have regular opportunities to practise and recall these concepts, helping them to build confidence and fluency in their maths skills.
The Science Behind Daily Reviews
Research in cognitive science highlights the importance of retrieval practice in the learning process. Retrieval practice involves recalling information from memory, which strengthens the connections in the brain, making it easier to remember in the future. When students regularly engage in retrieval practice, they are more likely to retain the information for longer periods.
Daily Reviews also help combat the natural process of forgetting. When a person needs to remember something, it involves them retrieving it from long term memory into their working memory. The more times that something is retrieved in this way, the stronger the connection becomes and the more likely it is to 'stick' in their long term memory. This means that students are more likely to remember and apply what they've learned in new and different contexts.
Retrieving or remembering previously learned content multiple times over a period of weeks and months massively increases the chance that it will stay in long term memory (the definition of learning).
Benefits of Daily Reviews for Our Students
- Improved Retention: Regularly reviewing concepts helps students remember what they’ve learned and reduces the likelihood of forgetting.
- Confidence Building: As students become more familiar with maths skills through daily practice, they become automatic and they gain confidence in their abilities to solve problems.
- Identification of Gaps: Daily Reviews help teachers identify areas where students may need additional support, allowing for targeted teaching.
- Smooth Transition to New Learning: By reinforcing previous learning, students are better prepared to connect new ideas to what they already know.
We have already started to see the benefits of Daily Reviews in our classrooms. Students are becoming more confident in their maths skills, and teachers are noticing improvements in their ability to recall and apply key concepts.
We are really excited about the ways that this practice can have a big impact on your child's learning. Thank you for your continued support in your child’s education.
Angela Golden
Leading Teacher